Easy on Me (Cover Violin) @denysmusic [ESP|ENG]

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Hola HIVERS, espero estén pasando un buen fin de semana veraniego, como ya es costumbre, les traigo otro video musical y espero seguir haciéndolo para todos ustedes por mucho tiempo, pues la musica es mi vida y amo lo que hago, cosa que es super importante, amar lo que haces, y este es el caso de esta super cantautora británica que desde que llego al ámbito musical mundial ha tenido éxitos tras éxitos, aunque siempre están los rumores de que cada vez que lanza un disco es porque esta despechada o tiene algún desamor, lo cierto es que nos ha dejado a lo largo de su carrera muchas joyas musicales, y no solo por su increíble composición, sino por su técnica vocal tanto en estudio como en vivo, y hablo de la gran cantante Adele, quien si no? Solamente escuchar ese nombre es sinónimo de buena musica y gran voz, ustedes dirán, WOW a Denys le encanta Adele, y si, jajajaja amo su musica y tocarla con mi violin es increíble.

Hello HIVERS, I hope you are having a good summer weekend, as usual, I bring you another music video and I hope to continue doing it for all of you for a long time, because music is my life and I love what I do, which is super important, love what you do, and this is the case of this super British singer-songwriter that since she came to the world music scene has had success after success, although there are always rumors that every time she releases an album is because she is scorned or has some heartbreak, the truth is that she has left us throughout her career many musical gems, and not only for her incredible composition, but for her vocal technique both in studio and live, and I'm talking about the great singer Adele, who else? Just hearing that name is synonymous of good music and great voice, you will say, WOW Denys loves Adele, and yes, hahahaha I love her music and playing it with my violin is amazing.

Hoy les traigo ‘Ease on Me’ este tema fue lanzado el año pasado en su cuarto album llamado ’30’. Y como siempre nos tiene acostumbrado Adele, es un gran tema, esta brutal, me encanta, no solo la canción, sino también la orquestación esta genial y no muy común, de hecho es raro, pues ustedes dirán que bastante común voz y piano, pero no solo esta el piano, también esta un bajo eléctrico que por su sonido juraría que es un fender, pero eso no lo se, ademas del bajo tiene un bombo, si un bombo de batería, ósea, esa alineación de piano bajo y bombo solo nunca la había visto, con batería completa si, pero no con solo bombo, esa combinación le da profundidad y dinamismo al tema. Adele ademas interpreta esa canción como nos tiene acostumbrados, impecablemente perfecto, su fraseo es exquisito, su técnica le permite utilizar muchos recursos en una sola frase, porque ademas de tener la técnica es la compositora y al ser suya la canción, sabe que es lo que quiere de primera mano, la conoce, la ama como a una hija, eso se siente cuando escribes una canción y la grabas, sientes como si hubiese nacido un hijo tuyo, y lo quieres y lo mimas. Por eso Adele canta sus canciones con tanta pasión, porque ama sus canciones y sus producciones.
Por acá les dejare la letra de la canción y el link del tema original para que lo chequeen, nos vemos pronto.

Today I bring you 'Ease on Me' this track was released last year on her fourth album called '30'. And as Adele always has us used to, it's a great song, it's brutal, I love it, not only the song, but also the orchestration is great and not very common, in fact it is rare, because you will say that quite common voice and piano, but not only is the piano, there is also an electric bass that by its sound I would swear it is a fender, but I don't know that, besides the bass it has a bass drum, yes a bass drum, that alignment of bass piano and bass drum alone I had never seen it, with full drums yes, but not with only bass drum, that combination gives depth and dynamism to the song. Adele also interprets that song as we are used to, impeccably perfect, her phrasing is exquisite, her technique allows her to use many resources in a single phrase, because besides having the technique she is the composer and since the song is hers, she knows what she wants first hand, she knows it, she loves it like a daughter, that's what you feel when you write a song and record it, you feel as if a child was born, and you love it and pamper it. That's why Adele sings her songs with so much passion, because she loves her songs and her productions.
Here are the lyrics and the link to the original song so you can check it out, see you soon.

Easy on Me

There ain't no gold in this river
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
There ain't no room for things to change
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
You can't deny how hard I have tried
I changed who I was to put you both first
But now I give up
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
Had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
I had good intentions
And the highest hopes
But I know right now
That probably doesn't even show
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
I didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me.

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