(Esp | Eng) St. Vincent - Daddy's Home | Album Review

«But I can't live in the dream; the dream lives in me» St. Vincent - Live in the Dream

¡Buenas, comunidad de Hive!
Hoy hablaremos de una de las artistas más destacadas del Indie pop y el Indie rock, y su álbum publicado hace unos días que busca revivir el art rock de los 70's:

Hello, Hive community!
Today we will talk of one of the most remarkable artists of the Indie Pop and Indie Rock scene, and her just published album trying to revive the art rock from the 70's:

Daddy's home review.png

He de decir que no tenía mucho recorrido con la música de St. Vincent hasta este disco, lo cual lo hizo sentir como un soplo de aire fresco comparado con los singles que he escuchado de discos anteriores.
Aquí Annie Clark se re-inventa como artista, y pone una interesante propuesta sobre la mesa; mientras últimamente están volviendo los sonidos de los años 80's y 90's, ella decide arriesgarse e irse una década más atrás, trayendo una estética distinta al mainstream.

Todo este álbum se siente como volver al pasado, y su ambiente y estética sonora logran afianzar ese sentimiento de nostalgia por una época que nunca viví.

I have to say that I didn't have much of a history with St. Vincent's music until this album, which made it feel like a breath of fresh air compared to the singles I've heard from previous albums.
Here Annie Clark re-invents herself as an artist, and brings an interesting proposition to the table; while lately the sounds of the 80's and 90's are making a comeback, she decides to take a risk and go a decade further back, bringing a different aesthetic to the mainstream.

This whole album feels like going back to the past, and its ambience and sound aesthetics manage to reinforce that feeling of nostalgia for a time I never lived through.

Fotografía de St. Vincent | Photography of St. Vincent

El álbum empieza con Pay Your Way in Pain, y desde el inicio con ese piano juguetón ya nos hacemos una idea de en qué época estamos.
Los cánticos ocasionales del coro que se añaden de la nada, las campanas, estos elementos son combinados con este sintetizador increíblemente crudo dirigiendo casi toda la canción.
Pero, lo más atrapante de todo esto es el performance de Annie; logra dar el sentimiento necesario para llevarnos sin problema alguno por donde ella quiere.

Toda la canción se lleva de una forma bastante peculiar, y eso me hizo recordar la importancia del performance a la hora de crear un ambiente.

The album starts with Pay Your Way in Pain, and from the very beginning with that playful piano we already get an idea of what era we are in.
The occasional chanting of the choir that is added out of nowhere, the bells, these elements are combined with this incredibly raw synthesizer driving almost the entire song.
But, the most catching part of it all is Annie's performance; she manages to give the feeling needed to seamlessly take us where she wants to take us.

The whole song is carried in a very peculiar way, and that reminded me of the importance of the performance when it comes to creating a mood.

La interpretación de Annie es de las cosas más destacables de este álbum, y nunca decae en ninguna canción.
Tenemos el ejemplo de Live In The Dream, una balada en donde la voz de St. Vincent se ahoga en el silencio y espacio, que a veces se llena con voces varias veces acompañando.
De esto se trata Daddy's Home: de ambientes; de sensaciones.
El solo de esta canción se nota completamente inspirado en el Glam y Art rock, sujeto por los cánticos de Annie hasta que todo se va hundiendo en el silencio.

Annie's performance is one of the highlights of this album, and she never lets up on any song.
We have the example of Live In The Dream, a ballad where St. Vincent's voice is drowned in silence and space, which is sometimes filled with vocals several times accompanying.
This is what Daddy's Home is all about: atmospheres; feelings.
The solo of this song is completely inspired by Glam and Art rock, held by Annie's chanting until everything sinks into silence.

A partir de aquí las referencias de St. Vincent se empiezan a volver increíblemente evidentes, y a veces se sienten como tributos mal montados.
Durante la mitad de The Melting of the Sun es imposible no pensar en David Bowie, y en sus interludios increíblemente psicodélicos y ruidosos, sin embargo no puedo evitar pensar que falta algo.
Por un momento se pierde la originalidad de Annie, y recuerda cada vez más a sus referencias.

From here the St. Vincent references start to become incredibly obvious, and at times feel like poorly assembled tributes.
For half of The Melting of the Sun it's impossible not to think of David Bowie, and his incredibly psychedelic and noisy interludes, yet I can't help but think that something is missing.
For a moment Annie's originality is lost, and she becomes more and more reminiscent of her references.

No obstante, las letras de St. Vincent salvan esta falta, y es mediante muchísimas referencias a la cultura pop de los 70's y al siglo XX en general, además de tratar mayormente de momentos basados en la nostalgia y la melancolía.
Este es el mundo que ella quiere mostrarnos.

«I know you're gone, you left the scene
Heaven had more important things
But I can't sleep
I know you know exactly what I mean

If life's a joke, then I'm dyin' laughin'» St. Vincent - The Laughing Man

However, St. Vincent's lyrics make up for this lack, and it is through a lot of references to pop culture of the 70's and the 20th century in general, as well as dealing mostly with moments based on nostalgia and melancholy.
This is the world she wants to show to us.

«I know you're gone, you left the scene
Heaven had more important things
But I can't sleep
I know you know exactly what I mean

If life's a joke, then I'm dyin' laughin'» St. Vincent - The Laughing Man

El álbum cierra con un tributo a Candy Darling, un actriz muy conocida por aparecer en las películas de Andy Warhol. Una balada psicodélica que nos da una última probada de este mundo tan interesante que ha creado en base a una época que nunca vivió, y la revive como si aún estuviese aquí.

The album closes with a tribute to Candy Darling, an actress well known for appearing in Andy Warhol's films. A psychedelic ballad that gives us one last taste of this interesting world Annie has created based on an era she never lived through, and relives it as if it were still here.

St. Vincent ha logrado capturar el espíritu de los 70's, y volverlo suyo para así poder traerlo a la actualidad.
A pesar de tener sus bajones, este disco no decepciona, y se vuelve una increíble seña en la innovación de la música de Annie Clark.
Me ha dejado con ganas de más.

St. Vincent has managed to capture the spirit of the 70's, and make it her own in order to bring it to the present day.
Despite having its downs, this album does not disappoint, and becomes an incredible hallmark in the innovation of Annie Clark's music.
It has left me wanting more.


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¡Hasta la próxima!

Thank you very much for reading this far!
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You can also leave an album you'd like me to review, I'll keep an eye on it!
See you next time!

Las imágenes han sido sacadas de la interpretación de St. Vincent de Pay Your Way in Pain en vivo.

All of the images were taken from the performance of St. Vincent of Pay Your Way in Pain live.

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