Rainbow Love Mixtape

This is a mixtape for a low day, a snow day, but also a wistful celebration of all forms of love, as well as a stand against hate.

It's hard to express how much I disagree with and oppose the various waves of hate of minorities, the casual racism, esp. anti-blackness and misogynoir, the transphobia we are seeing from governments, mainstream media and on social media, particularly with the hostile policies my government has towards migrants, the ongoing violence and discrimination against women everywhere -- as if it's just the status quo and we couldn't be any better than that.

Sometimes it feels as if music is the only thing I have left to say anything back, because all of that stuff leaves me speechless and tired and feeling a bit useless.

So here it is, my Rainbow Love Mixtape. Not all rainbows and unicorns. Some of it's sad and bit desperate. But ultimately, I hope, pro-hope and pro-love, like a true child of the winter (not the summer, sorry!) of 1967 😀

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