"Yet unseen, music majestically has the might to take a grip on one's emotions and stir one's mind to instrospection."


Me, entusiastically singing to the beat of lively music.


Paul Michael, as base guitarist learns to rock.


Have you tried to recall something out from listening to a certain music? A school event or momentous occasions perhaps or even sorrowful occurences? That makes music seems majestic.


You can think of music as a mashup of predefined sounds. Making music is arranging sounds and tones in a particular order and fusing them together to create a cohesive musical composition. Music is the instrumental or vocal sounds, or occasionally both, that create a form, harmony, and an artistic way to express human emotion. Musicians utilize intelligence and imagination to arrange sounds for a particular effect.


There are many things that music does. It can be used to convey information and feelings, it can be used to entertain people, it can be used to express creativity, it can be used to help us grasp beauty, and it also has worth on its own. It plays a significant role in culture.


The ability to instantly express one's thoughts and feelings through sound without the use of an instrument makes the HUMAN VOICE the greatest lyrical instrument in music.


Brings Mental Calmness and Joy


Paul enjoys listening to music, at Apollo View in Consolacion, Cebu.

Since everyone likes to listen to music, it has a significant impact on daily life. A person who appreciates listening to music regularly understands the importance of music in daily life; they also tend to be happier and experience less stress from challenges. By bringing mental peace and happiness, music inspires people to make wiser judgments in life.

Soothing to the soul


What a soul-delighting-moment, when music invades.

There might be more than one theme in music. If you want to, you can listen to love songs at events like birthdays and other celebrations. Because it raises the energy of the activities, music is also played at numerous festivals and gatherings. In addition to giving us pleasure to our soul, listening to our favorite music reduces loneliness brought on by issues. True happiness comes from music for the mind and spirit.

Aids in overcoming obstacles because of the positivity of the message.


Cris, in his sadness, contemplating with the message of the music, as he carefully depresses the keyboard piano.

In the modern world, music is everywhere. People will often use music to unwind and clear their minds while walking, conversing with a friend, or even working. Because of the upbeat content of the song, music touches our inner soul and aids us in overcoming challenges. Many people regularly listen to music they appreciate.

Gets you more motivated and energized.


It has an invigorating power to hype up everybody, which stimulates happy heart.

While increasing our attention and keeping us focused, listening to music also provides us mental serenity, satisfaction, and health. If you're having problems, listen to music to relax your mind. Music frequently gets you out of difficult situations and will help you succeed. You get more motivated and more energized when you listen to music.



Research demonstrates the many advantages of music. Music can prevent the rise in cortisol, which triggers the body's flight or fight reaction, and also relieves stress. It has been demonstrated that listening to music can ease labor pains, reduce blood pressure, and soothe a drugged or laboring patient. There is no denying the therapeutic value of music in a person's life. In a therapeutic setting, music is used to meet a person's physical, emotional, cognitive, and social requirements. While music therapists give therapy, anybody can profit from music's positive effects.



Perfect with friends.


Circle of friends, with a lively practice, singing with music accompaninment.

1. As Signal

Music can serve as signal to do something or to stop something from doing. The best example is the school ringing sound. When the bell rings, automatically the stundents stop to whatever they are preoccupied of and prepare for another stuffs like taking snacks, or going home. Same way in the field of work or even at home.

2. Be it Strategic

You can use music to support your goals rather than just as background ambient. Play your favorite energetic music while you clean the house to get your body moving. Exercise is the same way. Use it wisely to calm yourself if you want to unwind at night. Similar to how we learn the alphabet and numbers, you can utilize music to help you remember things. Choose the style of music that you prefer, regardless of the genre. The types of songs that work for me are different from those that would work for you because your musical tastes differ from mine. The objective is to transform it strategically by using it.

3. Enjoy with others company

It does seem to have advantages, though, to listen to music alongside other people. The stress-relieving effects of music seem to be enhanced when people are around you, according to a study. While listening to music alone can also help people relax, according to the same study, this benefit is only felt when people intentionally listen with the intention of unwinding.

4. During Outdoor Travel

It comes naturally to look for music that suits your mood. Because it fits the situation, we often find ourselves searching through radio stations for the "right" song. However, you can gain from music by employing it to go where you're going.



Passionately singing with musician friends.

Music has always had a significant impact on my life. I always found myself drawn to it, and I could listen to music for days on end. Majestically, there's something about music that can transport you to an entirely new setting. You may experience lost feelings again after listening to a music. You might feel inspired to pursue the one objective you've been holding back from because you've been too afraid. Additionally, music has helped me get through some of the most difficult circumstances I've faced. As for me gospel music turns my life around because music is originally heavenly majestic.

Grateful for you guys, for dropping by. See you in my next blog writing.🥰😇

Note: Some pictures are mine, others are from my friends.

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