Why do we still love The Beatles 54 years after they broke up? A personal story...


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Almost four generations have passed since The Beatles parted ways in 1970... Even so, the legacy they left on the people who heard their songs, and followed their songs was so remarkable and so impactful, that nowadays there is no one on the face of the Earth who is not able to recognise them. This doesn't happen, not even with icons of the same era such as The Rolling Stones or The Animals... Don't get me wrong, those bansaa I mentioned are massive and famous, but they are not comparable to these guys from Liverpool, UK....

My personal connection with them started at home. I grew up surrounded by their music. My father, who was a young man in the 1970s, grew up with their influence. For him, it was normal to spend what little money he made working mowing the lawns of neighbours‘ and acquaintances’ houses and then own vinyl records. Luckily, my grandmother, I was always a music lover; a music lover; and she instilled that in him.

Even I remember, when the DVD player was massified all over the world, multiple times I saw him remarkably happy just because I found unreleased material of The Beatles in a pirated way? It didn't matter, that man idolises that band. And so do I, inevitably. He and I differed on a little thing... You see, he says that his favourite Beatle and therefore the most ‘talented and irreplaceable’ (his exact words) was George Harrison. He respected and admired the Lenno/McCartney duo but he argues that without the talented guitarist's contributions, there wouldn't be that body-shaking magic....

Meanwhile, there's me... Who still, almost 32 years old, and I still love Paul like the first day I heard him sing ‘I saw her standing there...’. For me, ‘With The Beatles’ is Paul McCartney's album. Even my father agrees with me. The preponderance he has in the early 60's rock and roll sound and his vocal and instrumental ranges are so powerful and impossible to ignore that it is simply unforgettable for me.


For every mood in life, there's a song by The Beatles... It seems absurd, but that's how it is. In less than 10 years, these guys went through all the records that exist and not only that, but they made songs but above all albums that changed the whole world. It is enough to see the solo performances of its members in different places, to experience first hand what it feels like to change lives. And to witness that being who has brought emotion, devotion, admiration and joy to your existence. George Harrison in India, Ringo at Everton FC stadium in Liverpool, McCartney in Moscow's Red Square, Lennon at Madison Square Garden.... All of them, even individually, are so hypnotic and alluring that it is impossible not to fall under their influence.

All the pop, structure and media that exist today could hardly have created anything similar. What, in part, came the closest was the inexorable Michael Jackson... Who, by the way, grew up admiring and dreaming of one day being as famous as a Beatle... However, if there's one thing the Merseyside Fantastic 4 have, it's that they always had that spark and that togetherness that we can see in the photograph on the cover of this post. 4 guys, sitting on a coarse bed, talking (about music) and having fun.

Evidently, they knew that what they had to do was not a game, but musically their songs, arrangements, melodies, rhythm, hymns, and even music videos were the very manifestation of a simplicity and a bond of friendship that was impossible to miss.... The best proof that what I say is absolutely true? The Beatles' last album, “Let it be” is the pinnacle of it all. I don't think it's their best album, but I don't think it's a disaster either. Get Back, Let it be and Don't Let me down, are some of the songs that, still, today, in ple or 2024 are admired, break records on Spotify and are being covered an chanted all over the Planet... For the obvious, questions are superfluous. They are part of my life, since I was a child until now. They were part of my father's and your father's youth, and they will continue to be part of your children's and theirs... Have no doubt about it. For me, this is truly immortality.



A fewer photographa belongs to my collection. So, the oneswithoutany kind of aouce, are the one taking by me.

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