[ENG-SPA] // Adi贸s Amor - Christian Nodal // By: @atilioalcala



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Hola mi gente de Hive en esta oportunidad les estar茅 presentando una canci贸n para la comunidad de Music, titulada "Adi贸s Amor" de Christian Nodal una composici贸n extraordinaria de este gran cantante que nos invita a decir adios a ese gran amor qu茅 a煤n mantenemos presente en nuestra mente y por el cual nos permite creer mucho m谩s en el amor. Este incre铆ble cantante de origen mexicano desde sus inicios pudo lograr conectar con una audiencia numerosa en su pa铆s y a nivel mundial, hoy en d铆a est谩 reconocido como un gran artista.

Una canci贸n que fue estrenada en el a帽o 2017, en su versi贸n de mariachi, una composici贸n que son贸 y fue un 茅xito total para el mundo, esta canci贸n fue la m谩s sonada por Nodal en ese a帽o y aun en este tiempo sigue dando de que hablar, es excelente para dedicar a esos amores que se van de nuestras vidas. Es la representaci贸n favorita para decir adios a un amor que aun duele en el coraz贸n, tambi茅n para aquella que nos ha dejado el alma hecha pedazos, con ella podemos describir este sentimiento 煤nico.

Hello my people of Hive in this opportunity I will be presenting a song for the community of Music, entitled "Adi贸s Amor " by Christian Nodal an extraordinary composition of this great singer that invites us to say goodbye to that great love that we still keep present in our minds and which allows us to believe much more in love. This incredible singer of Mexican origin since his beginnings was able to connect with a large audience in his country and worldwide, today he is recognized as a great artist.

A song that was released in the year 2017, in its mariachi version, a composition that sounded and was a total success for the world, this song was the most played by Nodal in that year and even in this time is still giving to talk about, it is excellent to dedicate to those loves that leave our lives. It is the favorite representation to say goodbye to a love that still hurts in the heart, also for the one that has left our soul in pieces, with this song we can describe this unique feeling.


Adi贸s Amor

Canci贸n de Christian Nodal

Versi贸n Espa帽ol

Miro tus ojos y no eres feliz
Y tu mirada no sabe mentir
No tiene caso continuar as铆
Si no me amas es mejor partir
Desde hace tiempo ya nada es igual
No eres la misma y me tratas mal
Y ante mi Dios te podr铆a jurar
Cu谩nto te quise y te quiero todav铆a
Adi贸s amor
Me voy de ti
Y esta vez para siempre
Me ir茅 sin marcha atr谩s porque ser铆a fatal
Adi贸s amor
Yo fui de ti
El amor de tu vida
Lo dijiste una vez, me lo hiciste creer
C贸mo me duele perderte
Me resignar茅 a olvidarte
Porque me fallaste
Y ah铆 nos vemos mi reina
Christian Nodal
Desde hace tiempo ya nada es igual
No eres la misma y me tratas mal
Y ante mi Dios te podr铆a jurar
Cu谩nto te quise y te quiero todav铆a
Adi贸s amor
Me voy de ti
Y esta vez para siempre
Me ir茅 sin marcha atr谩s porque ser铆a fatal
Adi贸s amor
Yo fui de ti
El amor de tu vida
Lo dijiste una vez, me lo hiciste creer
C贸mo me duele perderte
Me resignar茅 a olvidarte
Porque me fallaste
Porque me fallaste
Porque me fallaste.


English version

I look into your eyes and you're not happy
And your eyes don't know how to lie
There's no point in going on like this
If you don't love me it's better to leave
For a long time now nothing is the same
You're not the same and you treat me badly
And before my God I could swear to you
How much I loved you and I love you still
Goodbye love
I'm leaving you
And this time forever
I'll leave without turning back because it would be fatal
Goodbye love
I was from you
The love of your life
You said it once, you made me believe it
How it hurts to lose you
I'll resign myself to forgetting you
Because you failed me
And I'll see you there my queen
Christian Nodal
For a long time now nothing is the same
You're not the same and you treat me badly
And before my God I could swear to you
How much I loved you and I love you still
Goodbye love
I'm leaving you
And this time forever
I'll leave without turning back because it would be fatal
Goodbye love
I was from you
The love of your life
You said it once, you made me believe it
How it hurts to lose you
I'll resign myself to forgetting you
Because you failed me
Because you failed me
Because you failed me.


Gracias a todos || Thanks to all

Gracias a todas las comunidades que hacen vida en Hive, especialmente a Music por ser la primera puerta que me abr铆 su coraz贸n en esta incre铆ble plataforma, espero seguir mejorando tanto a nivel vocal como en otras cosas que s茅 que debo aplicar mas. A todas las personas que me siguen les envi贸 un gran abrazo y espero que todo les salga bien, bendiciones.

Thanks to all the communities that make life in Hive, especially Music for being the first door that opened its heart to me in this incredible platform, I hope to continue improving both vocally and in other things that I know I should apply more. To all the people who follow me I send you a big hug and I hope everything goes well for you, blessings.


Sin t铆tulo.png

  • El video es original de: @atilioalcala
  • Todos los Derechos Reservados / 漏 Atilio Alcal谩
  • Video grabado desde mi tel茅fono Samsung S9+ plus
  • Video editado en Icecream Video Editor
  • The video is original by: @atilioalcala
  • All Rights Reserved / 漏 Atilio Alcal谩
  • Video recorded from my Samsung S9+ plus phone
  • Video edited in Icecream Video Editor

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