Flyover Soul by Amphlux

Amphlux - Flyover Soul

I thought it would be nice to maybe write up a few 'thoughts behind the tracks' of my recent album A Static Motion on A track dear to me personally from this collection would be Flyover Soul. With this track, I really pushed personal boundaries of a lot of what I do stylistically, from glitch to composition. A vast majority of my tracks are absent lyrics, but still maintain a certain semblance of meaning for me.

I encourage you to enjoy my music and make your own meaning out of it.
For those interested in my take:

If you threw a dart at the US and hit a bullseye you might kill me

The middle of the United States is often called flyover country as a pejorative . The US is divided into 2 cultural megacenters on the East and West coasts of the nation. Up and down along the coastal regions are where most of the cultural activities reside. (with a few notable exceptions). A common cultural trope is an actor/musician/artist running away to Hollywood to seek fame. The pace is slower moving here in 'The Bible Belt'. Many people are born here, live here, grow old and die here. There isn't a whole lot of movers and shakers here.

Flyover country really refers to that. Sure, business happens here, food production happens here en masse, a ton of transportation, there is a lot going on. But aside from those little things that keep people alive and fed, its a cultural ghosttown. Not much attention is paid to a lot of very talented artists and musicians around here, just by virtue of living in this "flyover country." The term is a pejorative as it means to belittle the people found living within. It is country you fly over while traveling from one coast to the other.

I've understood this well enough, but here's the catch: The Midwest is pretty awesome. People here are nice and genuine. It is hard to define exactly what makes the Midwest so compelling to want to stay. To me, Flyover Soul is about living my life as a technophile: an electronica musician, digital artist, IT nerd, in the middle of farmville, USA. A musician with dreams of laser light shows, of writing music for video games and other artistic mediums... who also loves to feed cows. A nerd who used to ride his bike to the public library and code fan pages for his favorite musicians in basic HTML on geocities and angelfire before the farmtown I'm from even heard of broadband, mid to late 90s.

It would be fun to throw bangers at the hottest clubs, sure. It could be fun to get with THE IN crowds and sell a bunch of copies of music and make my label millions, whilst holding a snobbish opinion about decent folks living in the Heartland, USA. What I would love more would be to get a nice plot of farmland and raise some goats and chickens humanely, while giving back to the community in whatever ways I can. If I had to make a preference for one of the other, I think I would rather live with the chickens and goats as a Flyover Soul than as a snob who would look down on such a person.

All that said, no matter where I lay my head, I can never seem to stop creating music or art. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it does mean a lot.

A Static Motion.png
Amphlux - A Static Motion on

2Flyover Soul5:57Flytuned Chipstep
4In The Minds Of Those Around You4:54Electro Breakline
6Quadtone2:44Synth Quartet
7Moot Trio4:40Post Industrial
8Endgame4:44VGM Bosstime
9Crisis5:22Arppegiod Chipestra
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