A blog about fighting creative block

'An overwhelming feeling of being stuck in the creative process without the ability to move forward and make anything new'


A process that runs in circles , perpetuated by anxiety. Anxiety for how long it'll last. Anxiety of never reaching potential , the stabbing sensation in the gut ... Makes one short of breath ... To defeat an opponent it is important to know and understand the nature of what opposes you.

Be it whatever it may ... Why does it arise in you ? To deal with what we feel , we must acknowledge what we feel. I feel this way , because this happened . Is the factor external or is it internal ? By asking ourselves this we engage with ourselves , get to know ourselves . Existing is an ongoing conversation with ourselves.

Sometimes Art feels like an endless search for a distant idea of perfection...
spending time with ourselves = self mastery
Spending time crafting and refining our art = mastering your art.

'Musing' -
a period of reflection or thought.


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A mighty oak tree was once a sapling, the oak tree will run the coarse of its life - survive as seasons change , thrive and eventually give life back to the earth that gave it life.


Similarly is inspiration and creative energy ... It starts as an idea ... A small, vague idea . The hum of a melody, The stroke of a paint brush , the rhythm of a movement - This is a spark - the body and brain , chemistry and electricity ... Impulses , reactions - the human anatomy is an electrical circuit . You are a live wire .

Invest your time and money into yourself 🌻 because you are your greatest asset. Oak trees grow from a tender sapling , that survives , grows, developes and thrives ... With species such as White Oak living up to 600 years.

Growth takes time , but ensures that results are long lasting and far reaching ( after its lifespan it allows for saprophytes to live on through it, and its nutrients returns to earth)


Art is forever.

Thank you for reading .

I would love to hear your thoughts and how you feel and deal with creative blocks. Please do feel free to chat .

Until next entry.

Kind regards

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