My Actifit Report Card: July 29 2022

Another week is in the books as July heads to a close. Another day of hard exercise and a tired body at the end of the day. Things are progressing well and I'm encouraged with what I'm doing.

Rain fell all night and there were still rain drops falling when Lulu and I headed out. We simply looped around the RV parks until we had covered a bit over 2 miles so that we were close to home in case it poured. The area is boring and not much for scenery so it was good motivation to get the walk done and head out to the forest for better fun.
Lynx Creek was running well and rain drops continued to fall every now and then. Lots of hard digging again for some pretty flecks of gold plus a mile or so hiking to our spot and back.

My legs felt OK but my elbows are from some tendinitis from all my shoveling but the skies had cleared a bit and a nice breeze was blowing now and then. My first mile wasn't too bad although it was a flat loop and the next mile was slower due to walking some on the sandy trail. But things perked up and I was motivated to up my pace heading up the grade. A couple of miles at a 5 mph pace felt good and that's encouraging even with my aches and pains. Combined with a good diet today it is a very good trend heading into the weekend.
Hopefully I'll be less sore tomorrow.

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Hiking, Walking

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