Keir Starmer Meets Bill Gates : Oct 29 2022

Keir Starmer meets Bill Gates. As it appears, Starmer intends, when he becomes the next UK Prime Minister, after defeating Rishi Sunak
in a future election, to take medical from the computer virus expert.

Additionally, Gates is going to guide the country, in the field of growth of the economy, in line with his expertise, this time involving human viruses, and of course, anti-viruses in the form of death shot vaccines.

So the growth in question, will be the 10,0000% profit margins on the "FREE" vaccines for the shareholders of the vaccine companies, which of course, include British Members of Parliament.

Of course, anyone who break the vaccine rules , such as lock down, travel or free commerce, will be slapped with a "FINE" to keep them in line, and set an example to the others normies.
Trouble is, the fines, like the Sars-Cov2 virus, are totally false.
And the Normies refuse to believe that their Doctor, MP and Council chief would ever gang up, on such a scale, to violate their trust.

A mental health pandemic, would surely be the result, notwithstanding the #suddendeath

What cannot be argued, is the fact, that whilst head of the Crown Prosecution Service, he orchestrated the false prosecution and sent many vulnerable people to prison, on false court orders.

A great replacement for the war criminal, Tony
The violent corruption by public officials, is exposed in the Scambuster campaign at
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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