My Thursday Alive Actifit Larry Report: October 20 2022


Welcome to my Thursday post, where I talk about my Actifit and Alive activities from the day and share a few pictures.

The weather was beautiful on Thursday. My daughter had a holiday from school, so we headed to the mountains. On the way up, we stopped to ride this jungle coaster.

We stayed at a campground nearby and spent the exploring the area and taking pictures.


I hit 11,716 steps by the end of the day, surpassing my 10,000/step per day goal for the 7th day in a row.


I woke up early and finished my daily Actifit/Alive post before everyone woke up. Then, I didn't take my computer with me on the trip, and barely looked at my phone, except to take pictures , check some soccer scores:), and do a brief hunt for Larry. It was really nice to disconnect


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For the 12th week in a row I participated in the#AliveOnThursday Staking Contest. Now that I have more than 1,000 ALIVE staked I am in group 2 and receive payouts in ALIVEM which I am slowly but happily growing my stake in.
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As it was Thursday, I also participated in the Alive Chat- Daily Prize Drawing - Today's Topic: Larry Is Alive - And Deliver Results - Get Paid To Find Him! . I found him in Listnerds.


My daughter made a friend at the campsite, and I had a few minutes free. It being Thursday, I participated in the Larry is Alive contest by reading 10 emails on Listnerds which linked me to a number of good articles and posts. The fact that I can complete this on my mobile is great as you can just get a click in here and there when you have a minute.


Thank you for reading my daily post. I'll end with this picture of this cloud which looked like a brush stroke in the sky, and report I am #AliveAndThriving. I hope your day is full of positive experiences, and I look forward to reporting on tomorrow's adventures in being alive!

Peace, Thoth442


all content is mine unless stated otherwise

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๐ŸŽธ From street busker to superstar, Click Here to Play Rising Star
๐ŸŒฑ Farm on the blockchain with dCrops
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๐Ÿ“ง Earn by Reading Email? Get Nerdy with ListNerds

For information about the #AliveAndThriving and #LarryIsAlive projects, check out We Are Alive Tribe - The Guide


And click on the banner below to download your free ebook.


๐ŸŒ“Until next time friends. Rest is revolutionary, take care of yourself. ๐ŸŒ—

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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