They called it gas. Hive savings. My Actifit Report Card: June 12 2023

It's been a long time since I strained my brain and exercised my patience like that. Today I needed to take a walk through the crypto space outside of Hive. The task was to transfer a couple of dozen dollars, choose a blockchain, and do it quickly and cheaply. And then I realized how far from perfect we still are). Or rather, I knew it all along, I just hadn't done it in a long time.

Why, if there's already everything here?

As I understand it, you have to pay for every sneeze, just like you did a few years ago. There are more and more blockchains, but we're moving very slowly, in my opinion. It reminds me of the transmission of information by wire. It will take a very long time to take over the world this way. Blockchain diversity is a good thing. But what's the difference if everyone is trying to take their commission off of me, even within their own space?)

They called it gas to nicely sell the analogy of already familiar payments.

Now is a good time to pay attention to the addiction that has come to the real world because of real gas. And oil.

It seems we are used to solving problems when the house is already on fire. I hope we learn to anticipate trivial things long before the fire.

As long as we're only human. Walking on broken glass, correcting past mistakes, regretting what happened. It's not so bad already. But we can do better. We can always do better.

In the meantime, I've spent half a day traveling these wires outside of Hive. It got better, but I didn't like it...

Hive savings report

I will continue to play the game in the numbers of my achievements on Hive. Below is a table of my daily accumulation of Hive, HP, and layer 2 tokens:

Hive Savings 11.06.2023.png

Hive Savings 12.06.2023.png

Nothing is stopping me from buying at these prices yet. The only pity is that I don't have much liquidity. This is the golden time to buy more at every chart drawdown. I've never been so happy with a drawdown).

For now ⬇️

Savings today is $1102.

Hive On! Hive Five! Stay ALIVE!

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores,Photowalking,Shopping,Walking

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