Crystal Vase

When I returned from a city of 20 million people to a city of less than a million, I was truly deaf. Just stepping outside. We seem to have forgotten how quiet it can be away from people. On the edge of a forest or in the middle of a vast field of grass. Or mountains of snow, as in my case.

Silence can be frightening when there is no future in sight, no hope to be heard, or no warmth to be felt. And where does that come from when the world is crumbling every day?

The inner world is even more fragile than a crystal vase of thin glass. It is only a decoration that can be examined, but not touched. And dirty hands are hardly worse than dirty thoughts, which envelope without a trace if you let them...

You can change places and people, but the crystal will always be the most ringing and brightest in this room.

And very fragile...

Taking everything around you to heart becomes an outcast in today's world of disposable things. Nothing is eternal, and the world has less and less need for eternal things. (I think the world is wrong) Nothing carries information, energy and feelings like Grandma's old table. This table was made by my grandmother's dad's hands, survived the war, and remembers the millions of dinners of half my family tree. Restored by the right hands, it will transfer that energy to a hundred more people. By laying your hands on it, you can understand the past and see the future.

Yes, it is by understanding the past that one can see the future. These are not supernatural powers, everything is simple to the point of banality. We are simply stepping on the same rake, just at different times and in different places. The people in these stories of history remain. Different people, but the mistakes are the same.

Fathers and Children.

Turgenev wrote this in 1860. I'm sure many great people in every country of the world have written about the same thing. Have we learned any lessons from it? How many of us have?

I think many continue and will continue to make the same mistakes.

It's everyone's right.

But I'm tired.

The world has really changed in the last 10 years. It has changed even more in the last 20 or 100 or 200 years. But every life follows the same spiral. When we are young, we reject the words of our parents, ancestors or just older people. As we get older, we realize that only the scenery has changed. The people are still the same.

And where people are, the crystal vase will sooner or later be broken or stolen. Just be prepared for that.

And listen to older people more often.

The wisdom of the years is priceless!

Hive savings report

I will continue to play the game in the numbers of my achievements on Hive. Below is a table of my daily accumulation of Hive, HP, and layer 2 tokens:

Hive Savings 21.02.2023.png

Hive Savings 23.02.2023.png

I don't know how much of this has to do with finances or savings, but I can't forget my beloved Hiver's excellent article today. He was always able to give me a kick in the head, even though the flow of our thoughts are often the same. Read this piece right here! ⬇️

Err on the Side of Creativity

It's funny, I wrote similar thoughts not too long ago. I've noticed that I sacrifice creativity in favor of comments or other people's posts. The question is still open to me, but I get the direction. We'll see by next week, though, how much I've learned my lesson).

Once again, counting my savings, I realized I'm up to my neck in Hive. Does that scare me? No. I spend half my life in Hive and I intend to continue to do so. Focus?

Yes, it's a focus on Hive! So far so good, thank you!

For now ⬇️

Savings today is $1154.

Hive On! Hive Five! Stay ALIVE!

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