My Actifit Report Card: February 20 2024

Someday we noticed a green empty field from our kitchen's window and since then we were so curious about this area

Finally yesterday we decided to go for it. We didn't pack so much stuff with us as we wanted to hike more instead of sitting and camping

We took a direction and moved towards our destination but when we got near the field we niticed that we had to take a round to reach the place

Instead we decided to go to highest hill in our area and visit the field on the way out.
since we were at a new environment we didn't let Milo be on her own and she was so curios and it was very hard to control her

As we got higher the our view expanded . We talked about how we missed mountaineering , climbing rocks and sleeping in the tent

The area was filled with orange trees and it felt amazing hiking in uphill gardens. It was like a orange heaven

Finilly we reached to the peak of the hill where we could see the whole area. It was an interesting feeling looking at everything from above

Getting there boosted our mood and made us happy. We sat down for a while and ate some snacks

On the way back we saw amazing stuff including an incredible tree . I wanted to spend more time with it but we had to keep moving

We visited the green land too. it was beautiful. I felt calm and peace when I looked at it. We certainly will come back to this area.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

166.0 cm
67.0 kg
Body Fat

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