Early 80s 5.0 Ford Mustang on My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2020

I did the usual walk during my 10 minute break at Starbucks, and I walked up on two classic California Highway Patrol cars.

I always liked the 80s 5.0 Ford Mustangs. I remember traveling with family as a kid, and always keeping an eye out for the CHP 5.0 Mustangs.

One of my childhood friends was fortunate to have a few of these Ford 5.0 Mustangs as a family car during our teenage years.

His mother really knew how to drive a 5 Speed manual transmission. So much fun.

I’m not sure what the CHP was doing at the convention center today, but it was cool to see one of my favorite childhood cars on display during my @actifit walk.

I was the usual steps to and from work, and I worked a very busy shift at Starbucks.

I just finished walking 1500 steps to secure 10,000 steps for today’s @actifit Report Card.

Thank you, and #SteemOnDudes!

Walking,Moving Around Office,Daily Activity,House Chores
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