My Actifit Report Card: February 23 2024


Lots of new apps, programs, and social media platforms have become widespread lately. People use their phones to share short videos and pictures of their everyday lives with these apps.
These snippets show places they go, things they do, and even how they feel and what they think. Sharing these things is like putting up a personal notice board for hundreds or even thousands of people to see, even if they don't know you well.

In the past, we were reluctant to reveal our information or daily details to our colleagues or relevant who were not close to us. As for our photos, they were a very private matter, even among friends. Now, we publish a lot of private and personal information, as long as there is an audience to receive it.
Communication sites have kept us far from reality, and deprived us of true feelings and their pleasure, even though they achieved the goals of quick and inexpensive communication between friends, bridged the estrangement between family members, and shortened the distances between peoples. However, on the other hand, it has affected many areas of life negatively, as social networking sites have robbed us of our amazement at seeing new and beautiful things, until everything we see has become very ordinary.
Then our homes have lost their privacy and secrets, to the point that most homes have become one of their rules is that no hand should reach for the food before taking a photo for Facebook. There are dishes that are made to be photographed on Instagram only, and there are clothes that are bought to collect likes and comments on New Year’s Eve, or religious holidays, and there are marital disputes that are discussed. In public, and disgraceful pictures in which he expresses his opinion of “everything that comes and goes.”

In the past, we were more guarded about sharing personal information and daily details with colleagues or contacts. Especially photographs, held a strong sense of privacy, even among friends. Today, however, we readily share a significant amount of personal information online, seeking an audience to engage with it.
While communication platforms have facilitated quick and inexpensive communication, bridging the gap between friends, family, and geographically distant individuals, they have also arguably distanced us from genuine human connection and the richness of real-world experiences.

Seeing so much stuff online all the time can make us less impressed by the amazing and new things in the real world. Things that used to be special can start to feel normal because we see them so often online.

Social media can be everywhere, and this can make it harder to keep things private and personal. A lot of users feel like they need to share everything online, from what they eat to what they wear, and so on so it can feel like it’s getting fake.
It is important to keep a healthy balance between online and real-world connections. By thinking twice or even more before sharing any of our thoughts and for sure to prioritize the face-to-face interactions, we can still benefit from the positive aspects of technology while safeguarding our privacy and empowering genuine human connection.

What was not available to us to see and which meant a lot to us, has become within our reach on a daily basis, but in an illusory way. This creates many desires we can't fulfill in real life. Everything feels the same and used up. There are millions of copies of everything online. We've forgotten simple joys. Even serious events like murders and suicides don't affect us anymore. We can watch videos of violence while eating without a thought.

Addiction to social media is obviously different from any other type. It can be a psychological addiction that appears in the unbridled obsession with the desire to feel that we are still living in society, that we exist, and that we care about someone, as this is reflected in the quality and volume of posts and interactions.

Social media can create an audience that supports a person, even though they do not know him personally.
Followers are divided into two categories:
Some of them are obsessed with social media and have a love of comparison and imitation, while others rely on it for self-development.


Here we conclude that it is necessary to exploit Social media platforms in the correct way so instead of letting social media control us, we need to learn how to use it wisely. We should be in charge, not the other way around.

It is important that we separate our private life and not display it on social platforms as they become available to everyone.

If social media have provided us with many positives and paved the way towards a fast world... But it remains a double-edged sword, as its negatives can no longer be ignored, it is a symbol of deception and social hypocrisy, such that it is no longer possible to distinguish between the truthful and the false, and we no longer know whether all these publications represent their owners or whether they pretend to be someone they're not.
The question will remain open, and we must search for a satisfactory answer. How do we preserve ourselves in light of all this fake content?

*Image designed using Canva
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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