When you know you have skills
You skip the line to earn the dough.
Jalen Green is going straight to G league.
Earning more than $500k is no joke.
Going to college will get you the TV experience
But no money.

It is hard to understand his choice cause money never lie. I know it’s not about money all the time but when they want to compensate you, I don’t see why not to go.
He had the skills already. He can play too.
I have seen amateurs playing balls and they have skills.

If you recalled all the players that go straight to the NBA without college lately. They have championship rings. Jalen may be the next guy by going to the draft next year. Everything in uncertain so if he can support himself right now I do not see the reason not to go. When you go to college you get free education. G League will pay for him to go to school. I hope he cares for his education to be ready after the game.

When you are that good, money will flock your way. College basketball will not be affected much cause just couple guys will go the route. It is just a signal for them to start payiong their superstar not just the coaches. It will help the kids to save and be ready for the game and their education.


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