Repairing Day - My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2021

Hi Actifitters!

The first day of the weekend is over and we have another one to fix mistakes from the first one... lol... Or to do what we didn't do it... It all depends on your way of looking into it...

My Saturday has passed fairly well, except that I head a slight headache in the afternoon and evening... I have woke up around 9 and had some "itchy" thoughts from the day before... We had a problem with our Liotes Hive-Engine witness, and I didn't find the solution... As it looked that one of the ports on the server is closed, I have contacted support, and the answer was waiting in my mailbox... That wasn't the case and they didn't disable anything...

I forgot to take a picture after fixing

That meant that I have to sit back and find the problem... After a couple of unsuccessful reboots, I got an idea to completely delete the "history" of the active process, and that helped! One problem solved! The next thing on the table were 2 electric keyboards (pianos) that my wife brought from her school for repair... For some weird reason, I have offered myself to take a look... lol... Well, the adventure lasted until the afternoon hours, but both keyboards were repaired!

In the late afternoon, I went for my long walk, which wasn't that crazy long as some before, but still, over 1 hour of "faster" walk refreshed my head a bit... In the evening, I was lazy and watched a movie... Around midnight it was time to write my main post and this report... I hope tomorrow will be an even better day!

See you in the next report!

If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here, or just scan the QR code down below...


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You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Photowalking, Walking

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