My Actifit Report Card: September 30 2024

Over the years, applying silicone to finish off a job has been my least favourite part of any project I have undertaken.

Previously, I think I tend to rush and seem to stuff up a pretty easy job. Most things I tackle seem to take a bit longer than I thought, so I somehow put all this perceived pressure on myself to finish and pack up quickly. I end up trying to do it all in one hit, then it starts to dry too quickly, I think there are many ways to stuff up this simple job, and I seem to have done them all.

It is not the sort I think I do regularly, so when it eventually comes around I used to just forget some of the basics. Like keeping your fingers wet and soapy so the silicone does not stick as much.

Anyway, this time, I think I finally nailed it.

I left the siliconing for a separate day, and it was basically the only thing that I needed to get done. Made sure I had all the gear set up and handy. I even bought a specialised scraper and applicator just in case, though I never really used it.

It was hard to get a good photo of the finished job as the silicone was clear, but it all went on quickly and smoothly with a gentle wipe over with a wet finger to get any dumps out. The corners can be difficult to get all the thickness the same, but I only ended up having to redo one.

I am happy with the overall outcome of some grouting repairs and a new shower screen installed. Now all there is to do is test it and a bit of paint on that water damaged part of the wall.

This job probably didn't help with a good activity count, working in a tight space, but it was good to help rest my ankle a bit and hopefully I will be back tomorrow with a bigger number.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Home Improvement, House Chores, Walking, Weight Lifting, Yard Work

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