Mini Rex Bunny! and more Shoveling - My Actifit Report Card: April 25 2020

It was a busy day yesterday, went on a road trip to pick up a bunny. With all this physical distancing time at home, my wife and son decided we were getting a bunny, so they let me know in the morning that we were going on a road trip in the afternoon to go pick up the bunny. I did manage to get in a morning and afternoon shoveling session, more about that later.

The bunny was nervous on the car ride at first, you can see the ears laid down, but soon enough bunny was feeling comfortable, my son named her Bon Bon.

The breed of rabbit is Mini Rex, they're one of the best breeds for house pets. Very soft fur with 4x the hair count of common breeds. The mother rabbit was there too, a prize winning rabbit with a tattoo inside her ear for proof.

Bred to be an indoor rabbit, the Mini Rex breed lives 7-10 years. Rabbits can be house trained - when we first got home we put Bon Bon in a small boxed off area with newspaper, food, and water. Soon enough bunny went to a spot to go to the bathroom - that's the spot they'll always go, so we put a tray there.

Bon Bon and Foxy getting to know each other.

It's recommended to keep Mini Rex rabbits indoors most of the time, but we brought Bon Bon out for some sunshine and a quick nibble.

I'm actually sore today, the good kind of sore, from the morning and evening garden row box top soil shoveling. I have the first layer in the box, just a couple more sessions to fill it in properly.

Rabbits and gardens go well together, their poop can actually go right into the garden without composting, it's nutrients are immediately ready for the plants to use - I'll till it into the garden in the fall. Another busy day today, we've been enjoying Bon Bon.

Daily Activity, Gardening, Shopping, Shoveling, Yard Work

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