My Actifit Report Card: February 25 2024

Hey Actifitters,

We were lucky with the weather this week end. In spite of the temperatures going up, Sunday was almost as good as Saturday. So of course, our activities were pretty similar, we just wanted to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. Just like the day before, we started our long walk behind the front yard.

Kaia was having fun apparently!

But there was some serious deja-vu after that. What's happening?

You guessed it, Le Chat followed us once again. She slowly and very quietly arrived.

After a cute reunion (yes they saw each other just a few minutes before...), it was time to explore.

Don't you think that even outside in the forest like that, Le Chat still keeps her grumpy face?

But every now and then, it's possible to catch the almost perfect pose.

We were in no hurry at all, so I let them hang out together in the forest for a while.

And once again (did I already mention the deja-vu feeling?), the next destination was the bigger forest with Kaia.

We tried to find new trails, or at least walk some of them in a different order, but obviously the scenery stays very similar. Some teepees here and there, some open clearings, etc...

And of course Kaia leading the way, patiently waiting every time I stop for photos.

The sun was getting low anyways, so we were almost done with the forest.

It's a bit counter intuitive, but as soon as we exited the forest, we met our first deer of the day.

I didn't feel like going on the same long loop as the day before, but we ended up going for another one, just as long, so we could catch sunset views near the end.

Plenty of views to choose from, but this last one is really one of my favorites. I'm pretty sure I already shared many versions of it.

For once, we were on our way back even before the sun was entirely gone behind the trees. Maybe that's the reason we were able to see lots of wildlife, dinner time probably. In my head, I could imagine that cat agressively saying 'What? What do you want?...'

When we got closer to home, another cat greeted us, but it was our own Le Chat of course. Looked like she missed us! Couldn't snap a good picture though.
Well, another weekend where not much got done, except for our long walks of course. I guess house cleaning, grocery shopping and all these things that I don't like, can wait till next week, or next month...
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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