The Scariest Yet Calmest Day

If you say that there is no god, everything happens by chance, then no one can explain how on earth a massive paint plant's sudden fire outburst would be "contained" for 12 hours and didn't spread further.

This was one of the days that my usual duty at the church, and we have been practicing and getting ready since the time of Lent started (especially for the Catholics) and we were preparing for ushering Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday

(Also, this is a holy month for the Muslims)

Usually our team doesn't need to be there before the break of dawn, but because the leaders wanted to spiritually prepare out hearts we decided to head over early.

And for the life of me I didn't understand though I set my alarm to wake up at 10 to 5am, I was tossing and turning the whole night waking up several times to pray in thanksgiving for God's protection and provision, and by 4:45am I already could not sleep further.

Then by 6:05am as I was almost ready to head to church our main chatgroup came with this video that the church guard heard some loud sound at the front gate and he decided to walk into the premise and lo and behold, seeing that the very deep of the church compound, the neighbouring factory was on fire!

He even went up to the upper opening floor to take a better look and video and sent to the church main pastor and leaders to assess the situation.

By that time 4 fire trucks arrived immediately and was already started fighting the fire and one of the trucks parked at the church premise for better reach for the fire.

By the time we reached the premise the fire was very much in control and we were allowed to go into our premise and we thought it was okay to resume.

We assured the pastors that we were safe and that the hall didn't have any smoke at all and we thought all is pretty much settled.

Never in our minds while we were practicing half way through we were called to evacuate because the fire suddenly broke out again from another corner and these are oil paints storage area.

We trusted our God's protection and decided to carpool out to the neat buy food court and have breakfast while waiting for the news.

By the time all the pastors were there and all hands on deck to send messages to everyone that the morning service was cancelled and the traffic teams started helping diverting the traffic out.

After waiting for 2 hours we collectively decided to trust God and made last minute arrangements to stream online since we are already there after talking to the firefighters and prayed with them.

Good thing that because of the pandemic the church was always ready for online streaming.

This was the YouTube stream where the main pastor shared about the news and we carried on with the service as usual having just a handful in the church while the rest of the congregation stayed at home and attended service via YouTube while praying along.

You can see me and the team resumed praise and worship too.

(And this is not just my English Church service. The rest of the language churches, Mandarin, Tamil, Bahasa and Youth church team stayed back and streamed at our respective locations within the church compound while the neighbour blazing factory was being handled by the fire fighters)

By the time our streaming service was done we were asked to leave immediately as the toxic smoke from burnt paint started to sip in even with the full fledge air filtration was on.

The simmering amber fire 🔥 continued for another 6 hours before it was totally extinguished.

All in all we were just utterly grateful that though the fire outburst again the fire was miraculously stuck in one place.

The church premise didn't have a single burnt mark.

No casualties at all.

And the Muslim fire fighters though didn't have time at all to eat before fasting fought the fire without major lack of food fatigue.

The board members of all language churches decided to plan and bless the 4 fire stations with a token of gratitude. At this point of time they are finding out what the stations individually need.

Imagine if during our preparation the fire out burst and there was wind blowing (because it was an exceptional dry day), many could have been hurt and the damage could have been further.

How can there be no High Power (as some said) in this situation?

I know that my Aba Father protects HIS beloved at all times.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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