Day 2 official cleaning frenzy. Operation Save Mattress!

After a day’s work of dusting all the cobwebs, taking down the half hanging ceiling boards and swept the floor, my parents continued to clean the windows while I tackle the soiled mattress with cat pee.

It was definitely not a pretty sight as the urine was yellow and it stained all over the top layer. The good thing (and bad thing) was that the cat decided to make the pillows its toilet and den. We suspected that there were kittens there too because the soiled area were on the well-padded pillows and bolsters.

I had to discard all the pillows and bolsters and left with just the mattress with less soil smell.

extracted from

Good thing there was this brand sold in Malaysia – Febreze so I acquired one and emptied the entire bottle on the mattress surface – twice with my dad’s help.

This solution is supposed to air out all the foul and dead stench from furniture and leave a fragrance on the surface. Apparently also kills 99% bacteria. However how true is it, I am not 100% certain.

extracted from ubuy Malaysia

I actually almost wanted to get one of these; but unfortunately these are not sold on walk-in stores. Febreze would have to do for now.

While waiting for the mattress to air out, I have decided to bring all the bedsheet and comforter to the 24 hour laundry self-service store to get them cleaned with hot water along with the previous night’s dirty clothes (sweat-soaked clothes from all the cleaning). Unlike the capital city, my hometown doesn’t have many self-service laundry bars; hence the price is almost doubled compared to Kuala Lumpur.

But, it is what it is; and cleaning needs to be done

Spending almost $15 USD just to clean the clothes and bed sheets is still better than throwing them away.

Finding ways on how to protect the bedsheet while we are gone.

At first I wanted to get a small car cover that is water proof to wrap the mattress around; unfortunately after searching high and low on DIY stores close-by home there weren’t any available except auto shops that is a lot further away from home and travelling time wasted isn’t efficient.

extracted from I forgot to take a picture of the real thing

Instead I went to the DIY store and bought a big fat stretch wrap roll and that is how I started covering it corner-to-corner with my dad to make sure at least the surface and sides of the mattress is covered.

Then I used the cleaned bedsheet to cover on top of it before spraying generously with febreze in hope with that disinfectant fragrance this will un-invite the cats to treat the bed like their home / toilet again.

We were thinking of discarding the mattress but since it was Chinese New Year, we were not able to get cleaners / movers to come assist us. Hopefully with this method it will stay a little longer untarnished until our next trip to my hometown.

All in all it took us 7 hours to completely clean the infested bedroom, swept floors, and cleared out closets. Some old good conditioned clothes of my parents were taken back to the capital so that we can clean them and my parents can wear them again.

I wish I have more time to go through the antique cupboard. There will be some almost century old ornaments that will be perfect for photo shooting later.

It looks a little like this, but with more colours and soft cyan background. Should have taking a photo of it.

In the meantime, the bigger ones like a Qing dynasty plate were gifted to my dad’s cousin who loves antiques. My home is too small to house these wonderful things. So might as well bless it to someone who will cherish it long term.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Home Improvement, House Chores, Walking

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