My Actifit Report Card: August 4 2023

Mushroom Hunting Day 03


Went uphill again to conduct routinary patrols in my area of responsibility and as usual, I started my walk along a redmuddy dirt road.

Since the weather remained to be gloomy most of the time, I chose to spend my free time walking around and looking for edible wild mushrooms or any bounty which are in abundance during the wet season that the Green Fairy can provide.

Also the overcast weather is also great for butterfly watching and for photography and for taking video clips as the heat of the sun is blocked by the clouds .

I thought I will end up empty handed because there are also other people that are present in the area but I am fortunate enough when I saw these mushrooms concealed underneath the lantana bushes that dotted the meadow.

There are also some edible wild mushrooms that are no longer fit for consumption because they are already showing signs of deterioration but that's alright as they will spawn sooner or later later.

After I am done with my mushroom hunt, I resumed my butterfly watching and once again I have sightings of the beautiful golden birdwing butterflies of which I will upload the video on 3Speak TV soon?


To end this composition, this is the actual route that I walked.

This is my Actifit report for today and hope everyone enjoyng this. Thanks!🤗

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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