My Actifit Report Card: July 25 2023

As usual, my walk started and finished along a muddy dirt road and got a fine ascend as the morning weather is quite fine and the sun showed up in the morning.

However, halfway along a rocky trail, I noticed that almost all of the white clouds I saw along the way to my jump off point had gone and had turned to gray which indicates that there will be rain anytime.

For me, there's no cause for alarm as I am used to hiking the mountain on a rainy day and my gears are prepared inside my back pack just in case. Except of course when the rain becomes destructive and when there are thunderstorms. Along the way to my destination, I took a photograph of a dragonfly I saw perched on a vegetated area.

Then I resumed my walk near the highest point and saw that the weather changed so rapidly and I can hear the wind blow on the tree tops which make the leaves to rustle.

Upon reaching the vantage point, the rain begun to fall and I have to wear my rainco at to keep myself dry also the visibility became near zero due to spritz of rainfall caused by the winds.

I stayed on the site for a couple of hours then decided to move to a much safer ground downhill as the situation in the boondocks will turn to worst anytime due to a forecasted signal #01 typhoon.

That's all for now and I hope that everyone is safe!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Hiking, Walking

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