Shop Til You Drop (Fri 16 Jul 2021)

Today was Leg Day. 🦡 Most of that was from using my legs to walk up and down aisles shopping. πŸ›’Hit the grocery store, the feed store, and a local salvage store. The walking wasn't so bad. It was the driving in a truck with no A/C that had me drooping by the end of the day.

Took my time in the grocery store exploring all the options for each item on my fairly short list. At the feed store I spent an inordinate amount of time picking out treats for my chickens. Then I lingered a while amazed at the sheer number of options for dog food. Seriously, I think there are more kinds of dog food than there are breeds of dogs.

Despite really wanting to just laze around in the evening I did get in a decent leg workout (primarily squats, lunges, and kicks). Now it's time to put my feet up and do nothing much til I fall asleep.


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Shopping, Stretching, Walking, Weight Lifting

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