Wind Damage & Micro-Workouts (Tue 4 May 2021)

Photo: This wolf windchime outside my door could barely be heard over the howling wind and pounding rain last night.

Yesterday I mentioned that we were under a Tornado Watch despite clear skies. By evening the skies did appear much closer to what I think of as tornado weather. Sometime in the night the storm hit hard. No tornadoes, but lots of wind, rain, and even a bit of hail.

This morning I surveyed the area and found several signs of high winds - things blown around or blown over. The biggest wind damage was the already deteriorating barn near my house. It lost half its roof a couple of years back in a windstorm. Last night the last of the roof collapsed.

Except for walking up front to feed the goats, release my daughter's chickens, and a quick look around at wind damage, I spent the day primarily in my house. It was simply too wet and muddy to work in the yard or garden.

Listening to podcasts most of the day, one that caught my ear was a discussion of micro-workouts. As it was described, micro-workouts are simply quick 1 to 5 minute bursts of exercise done throughout the day. It can be as a replacement for going to the gym, for people who can't seem to find time for a full workout, or those just trying to get into moving more. I do something like that already but decided to really focus on more than just general movement.

So, if I wasn't already up and moving around, everytime I switched podcast episodes or got up to fix food, get water, feed the chickens, or do any house chores I would do a quick 5 squats or 10 wall push-ups. A few times it was lunges. My legs are feeling it but I liked the practice. I think I'll be incorporating more of these micro-workouts into my day.

Images/Graphics by me, kreisaan. Some images may be edited and/or compiled into photo collages and/or include screenshots from my personalized Bitmoji, Actifit, or other apps
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Daily Activity, Stretching, Walking

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