Actifit Report 201026: Shit Post Alert

Consider yourself warned.

I should have done this post way earlier in the day. I was bored, sitting around, and zoning out.

The kids were whiny and I didn't feel like putting up with their crap.

Honestly, by now, I've totally forgot what I did yesterday.

Oh yeah, I put rubber bands in my beard because I was bored. My daughter thought it was cool and she remembered my wife hates them (the rubber bands and the long beard).

I also chased the kids around the house and got a bunch of steps in going up and down while the boy was in virtual kindergarten.

I Got The Rest of the Steps

Hiding downstairs from the kids and using the glider we have in the basement.

Honestly, that's all I remember...

Now today, we played "chase" a couple times, I glided during math work, and we played chase again.... more on that tomorrow...

Vote if you'd like.

I also started playing @holybread ; that's fun.
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Play with kids/grand kids

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