the curious elephant: June 10 2024

monday was so hard to start, my butt stubbornly got off the bed to start the day but it seemed that my mind remained covered in the blankets. i find mondays difficult but a week a work week would not be complete without the monday blues.

the good thing or rather the best thing was having some tasks to do at work. if it were an empty day, the hours would take weeks to complete. so the work hours was done in the shortest possible time. do not tell me you can't relate to this, that is just impossible. this is a proven and observable phenomenon in the universe. it only takes guts and feelings to prove this. but of course, this would not fly to the science based person.

i went to the grocery to buy the week's necessities. and i passed by our neighborhood shrine. it was festive yesterday, it was back to normal today as if there was nothing yesterday. they most likely took off all the lanterns after all the schedules yesterday, this is how efficient japan works. decorations are immediately put down at the end of the last day of festivities. after all the otsukaresamas, time to restore everything on it's place.

i came back late from the groceries but still forgot to buy something i initially planned on buying. it was easy to get distracted in the groceries, more difficult without any list. so here i am in the gym late. since i do not want to go home late, i immediately hopped on the treadmill. no other activities for now, straight to cardio.

the show i watched featured a south african savanna. i initially thought that it would feature the animals but that was not the point of the show at all. i had no audio on and am relying on context clues so this might be wrong. one of the host has pointed out that cats would usually hide inside a kotatsu during the winter season. so he was wondering if savanna animals would also come inside a kotatsu and find the pleasure of staying inside.

A kotatsu (Japanese: 炬燵 or こたつ) is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, formerly a charcoal brazier but now electric, often built into the table itself.

according to my wikipedia source

it was winter in south africa that time which was perfect for his experiment. so he contacted people in africa to build a huge wooden table and had a heavy blanket cover the whole thing, and even had some pile of fruits on top for it to look like the real thing. they had to open one part so animals could get in, and that made it look like a circus tent. yes, it was absurd but some japanese shows sometimes go the extra mile just to prove something. they started filming the area for a day and returned the next morning and of course, no animal went in. it was just too foreign to these animals.

heavy-hearted, he looked for ways to at least gather some animals. he asked a local shaman to "bless" the area. the shaman assured that animals would surely come after, but she was giggling while performing the ritual which was not so reassuring at all. the park rangers had a salad buffet a few meters away and assured that this would gather animals and hopefully get attracted to get inside the kotatsu. some animals indeed came for the food but wouldn't even look at the kotatsu. if i were an animal, i would only think that this is one hell of an elaborate trap.

after hours and hours of waiting, elephants finally came in. the savanna rangers explained that elephants are the most curious of them all. that is quite true. plus elephants are huge and has some capacity to defend themselves so they can pretty much be curious and stay safe. personally, i think the animals were curious but were too afraid of the foreign thing. so when at least a day passed, the giant kotatsu must have become not so foreign anymore that animals started to explore starting with the mighty elephants.

that was a bit thought provoking so i went home and drank some 0% alcohol beer and ate some snacks. half the guilt of a guilty pleasure. like the wild animals, i was hesitant to try this non-alcoholic beer when it first came out but had to try them out of curiosity. and here i am now so familiar with the flavor. oh well, cheers!

as always, stay safe.


all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified

all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra

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Daily Activity, Gym, Shopping, Treadmill, Walking
168.0 cm
70.8 kg
Body Fat
20.2 %

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