My Actifit Report Card: May 11 2024🔮 Wedding anniversary with meal and fortune-telling / 食事と占いの結婚記念日



Today was our 14th wedding anniversary. We had lunch in Yurakucho, visited a bookstore, and then met a fortune teller. Exactly the same course as last year.

Lunch was a course of salad, fish, meat, dessert and coffee, and overall it tasted expensive (I don't have a discerning palate, so I can't give a detailed review of the food 😂). Oh, but this beautiful purple drink (I remember it was "violet melon soda") tasted like the shaved ice syrup we eat at summer festivals.

As I ate my meal, passionately discussing the movies "Aliens" and "Batman: The Dark Knight," I was incredibly full. Huffing and puffing, we left the restaurant and went to the bookstore. I have been having a hard time concentrating lately and can hardly read a book, but I still like to look around bookstores. I wanted to find any books related to Bitcoin, but there were only a few cryptocurrency-related books, and they all looked old. The investment-related book section was overflowing with books on stock investments and FX. As I looked around the store, I remembered that I had a lot of books at home that I had only bought but not read, and in the end I did not buy any of them today.

We then went to see a fortune teller who had also appraised us a year ago. The fortune teller was a friendly old woman, and fortunately she was at the same place today as last year. She had eagerly checked our fortune last year based on our names and birth dates, but at that time she said she could not give us a more accurate appraisal unless she knew our birth time. We intended to visit her again after confirming the birth time with our parents, but then a long time passed without an opportunity after all. Finally we were able to visit her again on the same day a year later. Today I found out that I am going to have a lot of money after the age of 59. It may be a little too far in the future, but it is not a bad thing to know that I will have a lot of money in the future. By the way, it is not me but my husband who likes fortune-telling.

As such, we walked around the streets of Yurakucho a lot today. All I took were pictures of the food, and I regretted that I should have taken more pictures of the cityscape. My feet were tired because I was wearing slightly high heeled shoes, but I am glad that it was a day of walking a lot.




映画『エイリアン2』と『バットマン ダークナイト』について熱弁しながら食事をしているうちに、信じられないくらいお腹が一杯になってしまいました。フーフー言いながらレストランを出て、本屋さんへ。最近集中力がなくてほとんど本を読めないのですが、それでも本屋さんを見て回るのは好きです。ビットコインに関連する書籍があれば欲しかったのですが、投資関連書籍のコーナーは新NISAやiDeCoに関する本であふれており、暗号資産関連の書籍は何やら怪しそうなものがほんの数冊程度・・・。店内を見て回るうち、買っただけで読んでいない本が家に大量にあることを思い出し、結局今日は一冊も買いませんでした。



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