My Actifit Report Card: March 3 2024 📱My First Bitcoin Payment / はじめてのビットコイン決済



Yesterday was a day of very good walking. At least for me, who usually walks only about 5,000 steps a day.

First, in the morning, I went to my elder son's elementary school for the PTA's financial audit. As usual, our committee leader, who was supposed to meet me at the time, did not show up. I sent her a message and she said, "I forgot my seal and went home once, so I will be a little late". She has never been on time! I was almost annoyed again, but I managed to calm myself down, thinking that I should not get angry because today was the end of my work as a board member for this school year... The audit ended without incident.

In the first afternoon, I went to take a peek at the "Jiyugaoka Lightning Marche" held at Jiyugaoka Hikarigai (shopping arcade). This was an event to experience Bitcoin Lightning payment in action. I have about $16 worth of $BTC in my Bitcoin Lightning wallet "Wallet of Satoshi" that I have gradually saved up so far, and I wanted to try using it.

Frankly, I felt $16 was too little, but I couldn't figure out how to transfer the money from the exchange to WoS. Well, I thought, then, I can find something I can buy within my balance, and since the purpose is not the product itself but the experience of Lightning Payment, and headed to Jiyugaoka with my family. Here are the items I purchased with Lightning Payments today. Stickers and accessories.

In the end, $16 was not enough. As I was hanging around to see if I could deposit the sats to WoS somewhere, a man in the hall offered to exchange it for me. I gave him the cash and received sats for my WoS... "It looks like some kind of shady deal," the man laughed, and it certainly could have looked very suspicious from the side. But thanks to him, I was able to buy the accessories successfully. Thank you, kind man!

It's too bad I couldn't take pictures because the venue was so crowded. But it was bizarre (in a good way) to see bitcoin wallet apps installed on the phones of people in the hall, as a matter of course.

We took the train from Jiyugaoka, got off at Korakuen, and headed to Tokyo Dome City. The purpose was an interactive VR attraction called "Ultra Seven | The Fastest Operation Ever"... I hope to write about this in another post. After that, we went to "Bubba Gump Shrimp," a restaurant themed on the movie "Forrest Gump," to eat shrimp🦐

It was a day of walking well and I think I will sleep well!





午後一に、自由が丘ひかり街(ショッピングアーケード)で開催される「自由が丘ライトニングマルシェ」を覗きに行ってきました。これはビットコインのライトニング決済を、実際に体験するためのイベントです。私のビットコインライトニングウォレット「Wallet of Satoshi」にはこれまでチマチマ貯めてきた約2,400円分の$BTCが入っていて、それを使ってみたかったのです。

2,400円分では若干心許なかったのですが、取引所からWoSに送金する方法が分からなくて… まぁそれなら残高以下で買えるものを探そう、目的はモノではなくライトニング決済を体験することなのだから・・・と、家族と共に自由が丘へ向かいました。こちらが、本日私がライトニング決済で購入したものたち。ステッカーと星座の帯留です。

結局2,400円分では足りず、どこかで入金できるのだろうかとウロウロしていたところ、会場にいたお兄さんが両替してくれました。千円札4枚を渡し、WoSに42,965satsを受け取る… 「何だか怪しい取引みたいになってますけど」とそのお兄さんも笑っていましたが、確かに傍から見ると非常に怪しい感じだったかも。でも、彼のおかげで無事帯留を買うことができました。お兄さんありがとう!


自由が丘から電車を乗り継ぎ、東京ドームシティへ。目的は「ウルトラセブン 史上最速の作戦」という体験型VRアトラクションでしたが・・・これについては、また別の記事で書ければと思います。その後、映画「フォレスト・ガンプ」をテーマにしたレストラン「ババ・ガンプ・シュリンプ」でエビを食べて帰りました🦐


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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