A trip to Skyways Cargo office Lahore.

بسم اللہ الرحمان الرحیم

اسلام علیکم

From last two days, I was cutting and twisting wires. As I was not habitual of this work, my hands got stiff and was feeling a lot of pain in my hands by constant use of wire peeler and cutter.
But still two coils of wires were lying there.

I made contact with my friend, who asked me to do this work. I told him my situation and asked him to give me some more time, if delay suits him. He told me not to get worried and just send these wires as it is to him. His workers will deal with the remaining wires and told me that next time he will give me this task almost four to five days before his requirement. I thanked him for this generosity cause he already paid me cash to complete this task.
So I packed peeled wires in boxes.

And then put everything in a sack.

Asked my eldest kid @sami.ullah to sit behind me on the bike and take care of this sack. Forgot to get a shot of my kid sitting behind me.
Now we started to go to Skyways Cargo office, so we can send the builty to ISLAMBAD.
It took us almost one hour to reach there.

Skyways cargo office is situated at the most busiest place cause there are so many cargo and travel coach services side by side. Right now there was not much traffic cause its Monday morning.

Another view of the road.

On our way back, we purchased sweet potatoes-شکر قندی- and Water chestnuts -سنگھاڑے-

In evening, I went by foot to grab my Samsung Docomo mobile from the repair shop and returned home. Till yet #Actifit covered almost 7000 activities and I want to hit 10K goal, So I went out again to do some walk. I got this view.

Last 3000 count was turned a little bit difficult came home did some stretching, jumping, arms and legs rotation but still 10K not achieved. Again went went for walk and finally I achieved 10K.
Ok. Till tomorrow. ALLAH HAFIZ.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Scootering

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