April 29 2021

Pretty as a Postcard at the Water Treatment Plant


Last week was cold, cloudy, windy and generally pretty waluigi

Winter was upon us

Or so I thought

This week though, it's been beautiful

Sunny and warm


I'm on-call again

But it's been really quiet

I'm 5 out of 7 days deep and I've only gotten one SCADA alarm

It was however, at 03:39AM this morning...

But still pretty good, all things considered


The Water Treatment Plant has been running well

Consequently, I'm not as sleep deprived as I normally would be while on-call

I'm grateful

It's great


I'm also excited

I managed to persuade two new lovely folks to join in with the HIVE experiment

Please welcome





The image today was taken looking out at the Reservoir with a section of the Raw Water Platform visible to the right

This structure of concrete and steel is whereupon the six raw water pumps are mounted

Three high-flow and three low-flow

Two of the high-flow pumps have variable speed drives (VSDs)

This allows the Process Technicians to adjust the flow rate of raw water moving through the plant, as required, to meet the demand for drinking water across the city

(I'm one of the three Process Techs that work here)

The third high-flow raw water pump is fixed-speed

It pumps 300 million litres of water per day when it's running

And zero litres when it's off

That's it

That's your lot

There is no in-between

We generally avoid using it because of that

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