October 28 2020

Hello people!

First ACH/PAC delivery - Water Treatment Plant

I rode in to work this morning, worked a day shift: Water Treatment Plant and then rode home again in the afternoon.

Today we received our first delivery of ACH (Aluminium Chlorohydrate) for the upcoming trial.

There's another scheduled for tomorrow.

That's the top image. Inside the shipping container on the back of the truck is a bladder holding the solution.

Confusingly, the delivery company refers to it as PAC (Polyaluminium Chloride) which means it shares this acronym with a different chemical used in the plant process: Powdered Activated Carbon.


Although, after some cursory online reading just now, it appears that Polyaluminium Chloride and Aluminium Chlorohydrate are two similar, but separate substances. Which the different systematic names seem to indicate anyway...

So that raises more questions.

Tiny flower

Tiny flower close up

I saw this tiny flower while doing chlorine analyser crosschecks. 'Tis quite pretty and small and aesthetically pleasing.

Duck in Sturt Gorge

I also saw this duck while riding home.

Old bore pump in Coromandel Valley

Old bore pump in Coromandel Valley

And I came across this old bore pump in Coromandel Valley as well, also while riding home.


This afternoon I went for a much longer ride than usual, instead of the direct route home.

I was searching for The View.

In my opinion, the best view in town.

I found it during a ride a while back, completely accidentally.

And it was such an expansive vista that it was startling.

I'm trying to find it again, starting today, so I can take a panoramic photo to use as a 'cover picture' right here on Hive.blog.

Unfortunately, I didn't find it this time.

But, I have a few more places where I think it could be.

I've mapped out how to get to those locations into a .gpx file using the AllTrails website.

I then exported and sent that file to my phone.

I'll pick up the search again tomorrow after work, using an app called 'Gpx Viewer' which can overlay your realtime location on both the trail marked out in the .gpx file and a slippy map underneath.

See how I go this time.

Wish me luck!

See ya

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