DuceCrypto's Actifit Report Card: June 6, 2024

Thursday was a disaster. I was running a bit late and didn't pack a lunch for school. Instead of just warming up some lentils I have at school for these situations, I was allured by the wafting smell of Whoppers after walking my students out to recess. Chowing down on 2 Jr. Whopper bacon cheeseburgers was my first mistake.

Later that afternoon, we had a school culture event where the different grades got to run some relay races against each other. For the final act of the afternoon, our staff put together a 4-person relay race team to take on some of the fastest student teams.

I fancy myself a pretty quick runner, so I was happy to volunteer to run with the teachers. I even made sure to get nice and stretched out before the race. But evidently, I still didn't stretch enough. Whether it was the heat and dehydration that got to me or just the trashy lunch I put in my body, I'll never know.

I was pretty well on pace with the two fastest student teams until I hit that second turn and then BOOM -- I blow out my right hamstring. It wasn't a tear, I was able to slow a bit and finish the last quarter of the track, but ouch, did that strain hurt!

So much for my plans to stay consistent with my workouts. My only goal now is to be able to recover in time for Electric Forest music festival in two weeks. There will be a tremendous amount of walking over that 4-day camping fest in Michigan, so I need to get better as soon as possible.

I'm really going to have to take it easy for the next 10 days or so. No 6th grade field trip to Bear Mountain. No double-header Saturday concerts. Lots of ice and Advil as I try to keep weight off the leg. My step count will decrease significantly, but so it goes.

The moral of the story is that there's no need to be a hero when it comes to racing students. I went way too hard too quickly and paid the price. Hopefully I am able to heal in time, and this just becomes a cautionary tale about how I'm just not as fast or loose as I used to be. This too shall pass. Until next time...
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Running, Walking

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