DuceCrypto's Actifit Report Card: December 31 - January 1, 2024

Long time, no type! Happy New Year, everyone!

So there I was, ready for the last day of the year, December 31, 2023. I was dancing my heart out in the Denver Convention Center to Of The Trees and Gorgon City before my partner and I called it quits to Night 1 of Decadence CO. Look at the crazy scene at the convention center at the end of the night!

Luckily, we were able to snag our jackets and find an Uber a few blocks from the convention center without too much trouble to get back to my sister's apartment for a few quality hours of sleep.

We woke up around noon and walked over to the neighborhood Thai spot for some noodles to end the year on a spicy note. YUM!

Not only was my bowl of noodles bright and tasty, so were the wall decorations! I really liked the decor of the Thai restaurant!

We walked back to the apartment and prepared ourselves to do it all again for another night of dancing at the convention center for New Year's Eve. Instead of going with my sister and her boyfriend, we met up with some local Denver friends whom we met at EDC Las Vegas and Imagine Music festival earlier this year.

We got there around 7pm to see Brondo get the party started, and we spent the entire night dancing at the bass stage. Denver-local Mersiv played one of my favorite sets of the weekend, and then French bass house artist Malaa took over the decks until 11.50pm.

Although it was over two weeks ago at this point, I find it kind of ironic that I hit a personal high of 21K steps on my Fitbit, which was the most steps for any day recorded in 2023! What a way to end the year.

EDM legend Skrillex had the honor to play the "ball drop" set as we transitioned to 2024! It was epic to hear him play a 90-minute mix of his old classics and his new tunes. Zeds Dead played the last set of the night or first set of the new year, depending how you want to look at it.

When the event was over, we met up with our two DJ friends for a low-key after party back at their apartment in Downtown Denver. It was a quick walk back, less than 10 minutes from the party! We hung out for another few hours until the Uber prices settled down, and we headed home for a long night sleep.

While my partner was going to spend most of the day relaxing in bed, my alma mater, The University of Texas was playing in the college football semifinal game against Washington University. I looked up the alumni pub in town and watched the epic game with a bunch of fellow Longhorns.

It was a nice brisk walk over to the bus stop and the route got me within two blocks of the pub. Unfortunately my Longhorns did not take advantage of their opportunity to win the game. When it was all said and done, they had four chances to score a touchdown with 20 seconds left at the 13 yard line and couldn't get it done. But at least I had this tasty breakfast burger to make my stomach feel a little better!

I had the same bus driver on my return route back to the apartment. It was madness on the bus ride home. There were kids sitting on the floor in the middle aisle. Happy New Year!

I started the new year just like I ended it, walking over 21K steps, making it back to back days that I took over 20K steps. Nothing like starting the year with a new "high score" of steps!

I'll be back over the next few days to catch up on the end of the Denver trip and the return to New York City! See you on Hive yall! Cheers!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Dancing, Walking

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