DuceCrypto's Actifit Report Card: December 20, 2023

This is a special report since it is my first actifit birthday post! 🎂

It started like any work day, with a quick walk to work and a few flights of stairs to get my heart pumping. I'm not much for the birthday well wishes, so I kept the occasion pretty hush hush at school. Nobody was the wiser, not the teachers or my students.

I got a few text messages and Facebook posts throughout the day, and I responded to them in kind. My sister in Israel managed to get her 3 year old daughter to sing me a birthday tune in a video, which was quite adorable.

On my way home, I stopped at the Mexican bakery pictured in the thumbnail to scoop up a sweet treat to celebrate. So many choices! I got some round thing glazed with red sugar.

After tying up some loose ends regarding my holiday trip to Denver, I walked over to Elsewhere for an evening EDM club night from 7 - 11pm. Of course, what walk to Elsewhere would be complete without some street art and a stop at the Japanese eatery Takahashi. I got a few different musubi and a delicious black sesame pudding. Now for the street art:

This print is pretty accurate, too. NYC has a big rat problem, especially in my neighborhood, since buildings leave their trash out in bins in front of the building that the rats can get into. The newly appointed Rat Czar has devised a plan to make compost bins mandatory for all buildings by the fall to eliminate the food waste in unsealed garbage bins. Of course, the landlords hate this idea because of the added expense, but for the common renters like me, this is great, as it will keep more rats off the streets and allow us access to a nice resource like community compost.

The sticker in the middle caught my eye while I was dancing at the Elsewhere event. "No Gender" 🤣🤣 Unfortunately, the event was pretty tame since it was a weekday night in the thick of holiday season. I stayed for a few hours to get some added activity and schmooze with a few familiar faces. I also snapped off a pair of pics from the epic piece of art that is wrapped onto the walls of the main staircase up to the loft and bathrooms.

I stopped at my favorite taco shop on the way home for a quick bite. The al pastor tacos are delicious, the best in our neighborhood, and it was a nice way to close out my birthday festivities.

From the taste and service to the homey decor, there is a lot to love about this taco shop. It was another 10 minute walk home. Uneventful and quiet. I was even able to sneak in a few battles ok Splinterlands before heading off to bed. All in all, a successful low key birthday. Cheers!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Dancing, Walking

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