Saving Money Is It Worth The Effort?caelum1infernum Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024

  • Hidayriyat Abu Dhabi UAE

Men are honest with other men because you see we make fun of each other and accepted each other's behavior that's why we made jokes about it. One day someone was opening up about why we men save money πŸ’° anyway we gonna die anyway and our family going to enjoy the money we made they didn't feel the suffering the long hours of work the tiredness they just got the money because I died I never enjoyed the money πŸ’° that's why I don't save much anymore because I don't see the point.

I was just listening 🎧 to them the whole time because I wanna know how they feel about saving money and send money to their families most of them don't have any savings which is scary for me of course because I think far you remember covid? Yup if I haven't had savings at the time I could never survive such craziness.

2 years of no work and I survived it's crazy. Of course my savings are all gone and sadly I have to start from scratch you think it would be easier because you know how to save money but everything raise in prices nothing is cheap even to survive is expensive. So for me I always want to make sure I have savings because I never know how long I have left or how long I can work we never know what will happen to us in the future that's why I always take as much safety measures as possible.

Will I ever be happy I don't think so because I was born poor and usually poor families never get rich due to poor mindset I show you an example rich people when they have kids they don't teach their kids how to be a hard worker or best employee or get this job because the benefits is more than the other no rich people teach their kids how to be rich.

So basically they are born rich with rich mindset a lot of people said it's rude to call us having a poor mindset but it's a truth and truth is not pleasant to hear even I don't like that I'm stuck in this poor mindset I am trying to change I changed a lot I'm still saving as much money as possible so I can start my own business it does take a lot of time. Oh my I am getting sleepy πŸ₯±πŸ˜΄ I guess I try to continue this tomorrow.

If I forget I do apologize due to tiredness thank you and keep safe everyone always try to save money whenever you can you never know when you need it most.

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