Rain, Sun, and Shopping Steps: A 14k Tale

The day’s narrative was written in three distinct chapters, each marked by its own rhythm and mood. It began with an early morning walk along the canal, the world shrouded in a dark grey cloak, the rain gently falling. The solitude was palpable, each drop a percussion in the day’s quiet symphony. Amid this serene setting, I captured two photos, each freezing a moment of rain-drenched tranquility, see at the end.

The plot thickened as the clouds parted, making way for a brilliant sun by lunchtime. This time, it wasn’t a solitary journey but a shared experience with my wife. Walking side by side, we soaked in the warmth of the sun and each other’s company, pausing now and then to capture the transformed canal basking in the sunlight.

As evening approached, the setting shifted from the natural serenity of the canal to the bustling corridors of the mall. This wasn’t a walk marked by the tranquility of nature or the comfort of companionship, but by the purposeful strides of shopping for our kids. The mall’s vibrant energy was a stark contrast to the day’s earlier calmness, yet it held its own charm.

When the day drew to a close, the fitness tracker proudly displayed 12,000 steps – a number that told a story of varied landscapes, changing weathers, and shared moments. It was a day that highlighted life’s beautiful contrasts: the peacefulness of a rainy morning, the joy of sunny companionship, and the bustling activity of family responsibilities.

Today was a reminder that life is not just about the distance traveled but the experiences gathered along the way. Each step, whether on a quiet canal path, a sunny walk with a loved one, or in the busy aisles of a mall, adds to our journey. Here’s to embracing each step, each moment, and each day’s unique story. Keep walking, keep loving, keep living.

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to beheydt.be/en/photography or shor.by/BjB for more info.

Check out https://shor.by/BBphoto to see all the gear I’m using

Feel free to follow me on Instagram too! instagram.com/bjornbeheydt

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Coin | Sweat | Step’n | Actifit
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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