My Actifit Report Card: September 17 2024

Hi to ally actifiters friends around the worlds, how are. you doing today? i am hoping that you are all healthy and fine. Today i want to share my last activity since the last weekend. After my wife get busy in school for acreditation. In Saturday my wife feels really tired and does not felling well at that time. So she decided to absent to school. Yeah she barely have day off after 2 weeks no day off at all. I dont know that being a teacher can be a super busy and full time job like that. Meanwhile my business statting to struggling again. And this time my traffic is reaching bottom again. I dont know how to make my store can be visible again to people. I dont want to buy some ads again. I think it's useless. Since the buyer is just few and the ads charging per click. And in the Sunday,

we decided to strolling a little while in mall. Nothing much to do in mall just walking stall by stall. And just sightseeing not buying anything. If only my business taking off i can buying something to my wife. For now just get enough food everyday is such a blessed.
And this monday the calendar in my country is red. Thats mean all of us have day off. But, i am not having day off, i still learning and finding a way to make my business take off. And until now the business did not have pretty good order. It is just 1 or 2 every day. Meanwhile my target minimum is 12-15 orders everyday. I dont know how to make my e-commerce shop got visible and my item be bought. And hell yeah starting Monday, i am starting to lift some weight
Lets come back to routine. And for today. I got vision from God by the way.

I got big order today. Event though just from 1 person. But the problems is here. I dont have stock for that order. So k need to contact my friend to restock again
But the universe did not coorperate with me at that time. The buyer wants to be send at 11 a. m and my friend can gives the item in night. So i need to think another way to get the item. So i am just trying to remember and mind mapping what can i do for this order. And yeah i am going to warehouse that i remember this warehouse always busy when i see it. And at that road. I dont know why, but my mind just saying to go that warehouse. And yeah. Thats Gods work, after i entering the warehouse i am just oder what i need to fulfill my order from e-commerce today. And it turns out that in this warehouse the item are cheaper than in my friend. So, yeah this time God give some interventiom and give signal to me about some of work. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and get some order. After yesterday i am training chest. And makes my chest and some shoulder hurt by DOMS, now i need to train my back using dumbells only. And it is burning today. Not as usual. Maybe now i can starting controlling my movememt with good and solid form. Thats why my Doms starting hitting again to my muscles.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gym, House Chores
180 cm
82 kg
Body Fat

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