Women at Work: March 6 2024

Back to work yesterday on a sunny day for a change.
I left around lunchtime as the pressure was dropping again giving me another migraine and I had forgotten to take my pills with me. The weather is a roller coaster for me right now, up and down, up and down. 🙄 I was fine pretty quickly once I took the tabs and worked from home for the rest of the day.

In the evening I busied myself with cutting up our video from Saturday and posted one of the songs here:

Steve O and Anke - Down Under by Men At Work

It was such a good evening, so much fun!

A picture taken on my drizzly birthday morning.


That's it for today; Thanks for looking!

All images are property of @anna-newkey, unless otherwise stated.

_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@anna-newkey/actifit-anna-newkey-20240307t055047135z)_

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