My Actifitivity: October 27 2022



This is yesterday's proof-of-activity. I'll have to be quick to get it posted before midnight strikes.

It was a nice and sunny autumn day so you may be able to guess the routine: walk - forest - tree stump - mushroom!



This time I found something new again. Teensy tiny little puffball mushrooms. That in itself wouldn't be anything new, but I've never seen them in shades of pink and lavender.



The lavender ones could easily be overlooked. They almost blend in with the shades of the decaying wood.



The pink-ish ones, though, they're visible at first glance.



For a second there, I thought it's some sort of obscure plastic trash, they looked so foreignly clean and vibrant from afar.



Tiny puffballs are usually considered to be well edible, allthough, I've only ever seen them in white and creamy colours before, so I am not entirely sure what we're dealing with here!?!



Maybe these are strawberry flavoured?

Thanks for your time!



P.S.: I guess this could also be a contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw?!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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