Where are you going? A #fridayfinance post


It's been a heck of a week, there is no doubt about that. I was going to try to fit some more Vermont content into this post, but the fact is, I have too many other things to talk about. I don't think I am going to have the time to cover much Vermont related. Shy of the awesome photo that @mrsbozz took on one of our day trips.

Heck of a view am I right?

The view of the markets right now is a bit all over the place. It kind of feels like we are having some false starts. It's hard to temper the excitement when you see BTC start inching higher and higher. I probably never would have guessed we would be close to $40K by the end of the year. Hopeful that it would be there, but never quite sure.

I'm still not honestly. Like a lot of people have said, there is a good chance we are going to see a lot more of this sideways motion until spot ETFs are released or the halving happens. If past history holds true, we know that bull runs love acronyms, so ETFs could be it!

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

I've got so much stuff to talk about this week, so I am just going to dive into it...

Hive Buzz

I was a little surprised the other day when I got a Hive Buzz alert. No, not by the fact that I got an alert from Hive Buzz (I get those all the time), but for some reason, I actually read what this one was about...


60,000 Hive in rewards from posts and comments. With my current HP sitting at just about 66,500 HP, that is pretty dang impressive. At current prices that's $21,000 USD in rewards simply from showing up here and engaging with the community. Sure, it took me six years to do it. I'm sure if you broke that down it would probably be far less than minimum wage (even at the all time high), but to me it's still pretty impressive.


I'm not sure if this has been proven or refuted yet, but on November 10th a headline came across my feed stating that our good buddy Justin Sun's exchange had been hacked for over $100 million. I just had to laugh a little bit. Of course I feel bad for anyone who may have lost their funds (sort of, we all know the first rule of crypto), but then again, anything that makes that poor excuse for a human look bad is okay in my book.

I wonder if he would change any of it if he could go back and do it again or if he really thinks he was in the right. I guess it doesn't really matter, we are here, he is not. Life moves on!


By rule, I am pretty against memecoins. That doesn't mean I haven't thrown some money into one here or there. Usually after all the hype has happened and it is too late. I'll be the first to admit that I might have some $25 to $50 positions in PEPE, SHIBA, SUZUME, and BITGERT. I never bought DOGE though, I at least have a little integrity.

Anyway, I saw an article the other day that boxing legend Manny Pacquiao has a foundation that is going to be using the Shibarium blockchain for its operations. If they actually manage to establish a use case for Shiba, I might take back everything I said about memecoins. Maybe. The fact is, most tokens have a use case first. This thing with SHIBA kind of feels like an afterthought, but if it ends up working, who am I to judge?


In these recent pumps, HIVE has also been making some moves. Personally, I have started to consolidate some of my other holdings into HIVE. Random tokens on Hive Engine are being traded back into HIVE (probably at a loss), and holdings I have on other chains are slowly being moved back into HIVE. I have some pretty aggressive goals for where I want to be at the end of this next bull run and having as much of my holdings in HIVE as I can will be paramount to that.


Finally, I wanted to discuss an article I read the other day that talked about "overemployed" people. I'm actually including this in the #reflect community and tagging @tarazkp hoping he sees it, because first, I think he would find it interesting, and second, since he has written several posts about work at home, I'm interested to hear his take on it.

Basically, according to this article, people who have moved to working from home, have found it sometimes benefits them to have two or three full time jobs. I'm not talking a main job and then a side hustle, more like two or three jobs each with a fortune 500 company.

One of the main examples in the article has a software engineer working for META, Tinder, and IBM to the tune of close to $1 million dollars a year.

It's interesting because while it might be legal (maybe), it's not exactly kosher and there are a bunch of things you need to do to make sure you don't get caught. Thankfully, there are countless communities on the web dedicated to this sort of thing with their own lingo and code words.

I'm at the point in my life where my working days are fewer ahead of me than they are behind me, but it's not unbelievable to imagine that I couldn't pull something like this off if I wanted to. Especially given the fact that I already sit behind a computer 9 hours out of the day anyway.

Don't believe me? Comment on one of my posts through the weekday and see how quick I reply to you?

If you read the article, there's also a nefarious side to this. The idea of doing as little as possible and still keeping your job. It's a very interesting dynamic. I've merely glanced upon the whole concept here. I'm sure @tarazkp could do it much more justice in a full post.

How do you feel about it though? As long as the job is getting done should it matter if the person has two or even three jobs? Is it taking away opportunities from other people? Should you have to hide the fact that you are doing it or should it be totally legitimate? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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