When I'm not watching the snow fall...


The recent snow storm that pushed through our region of the country afforded me the opportunity to take some really nice shots. While we haven't been able to go outside too much due to the sub zero temperatures, the view from my back deck is pretty nice.

When I'm not sitting around and watching the snow fall, @mrsbozz and I do our best to keep up on some of the more current shows on TV. Sometimes it's a binge worthy special event on Netflix, and other times it's a book she read that has been adapted into a movie or show. Other times, those two things mentioned above are one and the same. That happens to be the case with a couple of the shows I will be sharing today.

I've got a list of shows that we have been finished watching or are in the process of watching right now. In between sporting events, work, sleep, and watching our nieces and nephews play sports, it's amazing we find any time at all to watch TV.

Despite that fact, there have been some real gems and one I am not so sure about that I want to share with you here today. I hope you don't mind!

The majority of these are definitely worth looking at if you haven't already watched them.


Bodies is a Science Fiction show that you can stream on Netflix. It's one of their limited run series, so you don't need to worry about getting sucked into a big long multiple season thing. Though it is so good, you almost wish that there were more seasons to it.

The tagline basically reads that "four detectives in four different periods of London find themselves investigating the same murder". I think that makes it pretty obvious that it deals with time travel, so if that isn't your bag, you might want to skip it.

If time travel doesn't bug you, I highly recommend you check it out. Most of the actors in the series were pretty new to me. Netflix has a tendency to do that sort of thing. I have to be honest too, there were a couple sections I had to turn the subtitles on because I couldn't quite understand the dialog through the accents.

It wasn't that big of a deal for me. I'm not opposed to doing a little light reading while I am watching a show.

Much like the show "Dark", this one has some weird connections due to the time travel aspect. I wouldn't be surprised if you find yourself thinking about how all of the characters are interconnected in between episodes. It's quite intricate, but it works perfectly.

All the Light We Cannot See

Speaking of "Dark", "All the Light We Cannot See" stars the same young man we grew quite familiar with in that crazy German town with the nuclear reactor and the cave. Actually, I feel like Louis Hofmann has been popping up in a lot of things lately. Netflix must have sign an exclusive deal with him or something to do a certain number of shows.

This is one of the shows that was based on a book that @mrsbozz had read. I was skeptical at first and I decided to watch it just to make her happy, but the fact is, I ended up loving it. Based during the second world war. This is a story about a young German radio operator and a blind French girl who find their lives inexplicably intertwined.

I honestly thought it looked and sounded a bit boring based on the description, but I quickly came to appreciate all the characters. It was a pretty exquisite show that kept you coming back for more. Once again, it's only a handful of episodes, so you can easily binge the whole thing in a weekend.

As if we didn't know already, it also verifies the fact that the Nazi's were some grade A assholes. It also has a bit of a treasure hunt vibe to it, so that is kind of cool as well. It's an interesting window on a portion of time that many of us would sooner forget I think.

Lessons in Chemistry

This is another one that I watched only because @mrsbozz had read the book and she wanted to see how good the adaptation was. It was available on Apple TV Plus and I have to admit, she was once again right. This short series was absolutely fantastic. It has a bit of everything, I laughed, I cried, I was genuinely enthralled with the characters.

Set in the 1950's it catalogs the struggles of a socially awkward woman trying to become something in a time when gender rolls were pretty black and white. You can't help but find yourself cheering for her by the end and the path she takes to success was fun to watch.

Brie Larson was a joy to watch in this. I know some people have a problem with her. I'm not really sure why, but I thought she did an exceptional job. To be fair, I have only ever seen her in Captain Marvel and the other Marvel shows that I can remember, so I don't have a lot to go on.

This character she played fantastically though.

I highly recommend you watch this one. It solidifies for me that Apple TV Plus is one of the best streaming services out there right now.

Faraway Downs

This one was a bit of a stunner for me. After reading and seeing the awesome scenery from @galenkp's posts, I was excited to watch this show about cattle ranching in Australia at some time period in past which I can't seem to find right now.

It's based on Baz Luhrmans's 2008 film "Australia" which he stretched out to a four episode(?) miniseries. With a cast that includes Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, I was hooked. Unfortunately, the acting at the beginning of the first episode was so over the top that @mrsbozz and I had to stop watching it.

Based on the previews, I didn't expect it to be quite so cheesy. I still plan on circling back to try and watch it, but I don't think my wife will be interested in continuing.

There was something about it that just felt fake and overly dramatic. Perhaps that is what he was going for in the production of it, but it was off-putting to me and hard to get past to even attempt to dig into the plot.

A key part of the plot has to do with the "lost generation" of native children from Australia which I find interesting, but like I said, we didn't get more than ten minutes into it and we had to find something else to watch.

I don't usually consider myself a quitter, which is why I will probably finish it on my own no matter how cringe it is. Maybe it gets better. I can't say. If you want to give it a shot, it's available to stream on Hulu, but don't say I didn't warn you.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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