What I'm Watching Now


Every now and then I like to take a little bit of time and share some of the stuff that I have been watching on TV lately. I'm actually pretty happy to say that most of this past week I haven't been watching any TV. Instead I have been doing what you see in the photo above.

I am in the great wild north of Michigan with @mrsbozz and our oldest nephew on her side of the family. He loves camping with us and we love taking him on adventures like the one you see above. We had just finished climbing a mountain and from the top my wife said hey, I wonder how you get to that beach down there.

We had awesome signal (top of a mountain after all), so I pulled up Google maps and plotted a route. She was pleasantly surprised! You better believe I will be writing some full posts on that at a later date.

When I have been watching TV or Streaming services, these are a few of the things I have been watching.


I started watching Invasion on Apple TV Plus a short time ago. I have only gotten through about the first two episodes, but it has been really great so far. You can tell that Apple has a lot of money to throw into these projects. They get some of the best actors and actresses and they really go to town.

Even though I am only about two episodes in, I can already tell this show is going to be a slow burn. Which I actually enjoy when it comes to alien shows. There was something about the reveal in "Signs" that made it all the more special. If they had just led with what the aliens looked like right away, I don't think the impact would have been the same.

I'll probably do a proper review of Invasion after I am through the first season, but for now, it has definitely been a recommended watch.

Jury Duty

This one was brought up to us by my brother in law. It's on Freevue or something like that, but we watched it through Amazon Prime or Hulu, I can't quite remember now. Basically, it's a documentary about what goes on during Jury Duty. A la "The Office". The only twist is, there is one guy who thinks he is actually doing a documentary about Jury Duty, and everyone else including the judge, lawyers, defendant and other jurors are all actors.

It's pretty comical to see how the every day guy handles all the over the top stuff that is thrown at him and let me tell you, some of the stuff is definitely over the top.

The episodes are only about a half hour long and it was just the light hearted escape my wife and I needed to get us through the end of the school year.

We found ourselves laughing pretty much non-stop. It also gave me a newfound appreciation for the actor James Marsden, but I am not going to elaborate on that. You will just have to watch it to find out.

A Man Called Otto

Finally, this is a movie @mrsbozz wanted to watch one evening. She had read the book and she wanted to see the movie. It had Tom Hanks in it, so I figured just how bad could it be? It's based on a Norwegian(?) book named "A Man Called Ove". I guess they didn't figure Americans could handle the name "Ove", so they changed it to Otto to make it easier for us .

Anyway, the premise (without giving too much away), is that Otto recently lost his wife and he doesn't really care to be on this Earth much longer. He has some new neighbors move in and hilarity ensues.

Until it doesn't.

Honestly, it was a good movie, but again without giving too much away, my wife and I were both bawling at the end of it. I seriously can't remember crying that hard and openly in a while. It was actually kind of freeing. I don't have to worry about judgement since she was crying her eyes out too.

Do I think it is worth watching? Yeah, it was good. I'm just warning you, be ready.

I'm going to leave you with that for now. I still have a short list of shows I want to share with you, and with Jack Ryan Season 3 and the latest season of The Witcher having just dropped, you know I am going to be covering those as well.

I'm really in no hurry though, if I could just sit on the shores of Lake Superior and watch the waves crash against the beach the rest of my days, I'd die a happy man having never watched another frame of TV or cinema.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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