Simple as Do Re Mi


When I first started thinking about this post for today, I was leaning heavy towards the title "The ABC's of Rock". However, I really didn't want to pigeon hole myself into one specific genre of music for this #threetunetuesday post sponsored by @ablaze and some other fine folks. Sure, some of the older music that would now be considered pop can probably be classified as rock music since the "pop" label didn't exist back then.

If you know me though, you know my musical tastes are all over the place, so I wanted to leave myself a bit of room to run with this theme. I can't promise I am going to follow it every week, there might be a week or two that I throw something else in the mix. The idea is that eventually, I will have went through the entire alphabet sharing three songs with you.

I thought about tackling each letter per week, but then I decided that just might drag on a bit too long, so instead, I am going to bring you three letters each week. In case you haven't guessed it, the letters this week are A, B, and C.

If you are familiar with the Jackson Five, the title of this post should make a bit more sense to you given the theme. If you aren't, I'll share this lyric for you from the chorus of their hit song ABC:

A B C, It's easy as
1 2 3, as simple as
do re mi, A B C, 1 2 3
baby you and me girl


So, without further ado, let's get down to it shall we?

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Okay, now don't laugh. We had to start somewhere didn't we? I thought about going with AC/DC, but that just felt a bit too easy. Then I was leaning towards the supergroup ASIA, but honestly, I'm not too familiar with all but their biggest hits.

I remember my dad having an Air Supply Greatest Hits album on vinyl and I just had to go with this song. "All Out Of Love" is probably one of their biggest hits and quite possibly the quintessential Air Supply song. I'm not kidding, if you had this album back in the day it was like liquid gold with the ladies (unless you were chasing a goth girl or something like that).

I can still remember an evening back in high school when I was at my friends house because he was having a bonfire. Everyone else was outside having a good time and I was inside standing next to a girl I definitely liked listening to this album. It's one of those moments where you often wonder how things might have been different if you had just made your move or said something different.

She was dating another friend of mine at the time though, so it was a "no go" for me. There was definitely a spark though and I can still remember the electricity in the air to this day.

Thankfully, thought @mrsbozz appreciates Air Supply, she isn't so easily wooed by them. Put on a Bon Jovi song and it's a different story though.

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Speaking of Bon Jovi... Just kidding. I decided over the weekend that I really wanted to play some Bush this week, so here is what you are getting. It almost feels a bit sinful to be sharing this video instead of a Bon Jovi one, but I feel like I have offered my share of Bon Jovi songs to you over the years.

Back when I was in university, I remember that Bush came and played a concert with another 90's icon Moby. I think Moby was the opening act and then Bush was the main show. I remember that I went to a pre-party before the concert and we were all watching a Michigan State basketball game. This was back during the Flintstones era when Mateen Cleaves was the star guard on the Spartans and helped lead them to a national championship.

It's memorable for me because I never really attended parties back in high school. Sure, I had those bonfires and gatherings like I mentioned above, but never a true party. This was kind of my first run at that sort of thing, so I was probably awkward as heck. I remember I brought a six pack of Zima to drink because that was before I started drinking beer.

This was my first non church related concert and needless to say, there was zero hooking up on this night either.

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Again, besides the letters Q, Y, and Z, there are about a million different ways I can go for these selections each week. Since Counting Crows is one of my favorite bands, I thought about taking that road and reveling in the alliteration a little bit. Then I remember the fact that for a good five years my morning alarm was "Sunshine Of Your Love" from Cream. It just made sense to me that I pick this song to share with you.

It's just a dang good jam. I don't really have much else to say about it. It's just amazing how good Clapton is am I right? It's almost like he has supernatural powers. Now, you might think after waking up to this song for something like half a decade I might be sick of it, but that just isn't the case.

How can you get sick of a classic like this?

It's also just a really good song to wake up to. Don't believe me? Try it out for yourself. As soon as those opening guitar riffs hit, you are pretty much ready to go. Bring on the day!

There you go, A,B,C is done, easy as 1,2,3 right? Like I said, unless something else grabs my attention, we will likely be moving on to D,E,F next week. Who knows what I might come up with!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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