Making some moves before hitting the road


It's been a bit of a long week. As you read this post I am likely driving home from the conference I have been at the last part of this week. It's been a an interesting three days of networking with colleagues and vendors from across the state. I've been to several conferences in the 20 plus years I have been working in the education field and this is the one event I always try to attend.

The past several years I have been bringing @iikrypticsii along with me and it has been a very eye opening experience for him. It's actually the one week of the year that both of us get a little giddy like school kids.

Plus as you can kind of see from the photo above, we get some pretty good views as well.

I've been a bit separated from the crypto markets lately. No biggie really, it's pretty much just doing the same thing it has been doing for the past year.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

It's actually kind of interesting lately. Of course, there are always those folks who are BTC maxis and they tend to look down on traditional investments all together. While I respect their opinion, I personally think they are wrong. I think traditional investments are going to be around for a while still. No matter what happens with the global economy.

The interesting thing is that in some of the Crypto Discords I hang out in, I have actually been seeing more people talk about stocks than crypto. Maybe people are just getting tired of waiting, I don't know, but it sure seems that stocks are gaining a lot of interest right now.

I'm still very bullish on the SMR stock that I picked up a while ago. As I mentioned last week, I truly believe that small modular and micro nuclear reactors are going to be the future at least until some major breakthrough happens.


So I did a thing the other day... @holozing finally launched their alpha vials and I aped in a little more on them than I had originally planned. As of this post, I own 15 of the Alpha vials. Sure, this is still a lot less than some people, and I'm not buying 4 million ZING at a time like some people, but it is exciting to see so many people getting excited about the project.

I feel like over the past several years a lot of careful time and thought has gone into this project. I'm really hoping it lives up to the hype.

Long on HIVE

I did another thing the other day too. I was waiting around for some HBD to Hive buys to happen, but I realized the other day it's basically going to end up being a small fraction of HIVE that I end up losing if make the conversion now or I wait for the orders to fill. So I moved 350 or so HBD into HIVE today.

I don't share this to brag. I'm also not trying to keep it a secret. It's all on chain, so anyone can see it. There's really no point of trying to hide it. As I have said in the past, my plan is to get a nice pool of HIVE liquid so that if the price goes up, I can move it back into HBD. If the price doesn't go back up... I'll be doing one hell of a power up at some point!

Obviously, @holozing derailed my plans by sucking me into spending some of that HIVE, but I am not complaining. I like the fact that I am investing in something on the chain. I know there have been a lot of people pointing out things that are wrong with HIVE lately, but there are still a lot of good things happening here too.

I'm very long on HIVE. Like BTC, my HIVE stake is something that I don't plan on ever parting with.

To (probably incorrectly) quote Charlton Heston,

"You can pry it out of my cold dead hand"

It's hard to believe October is almost over. Before we know it the election will be here and after that, who knows where this crazy road is going to take us.

I hope you are ready for the ride!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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