Friday Finance 8/18/2023: Fungi Friday


Just when I think I understand what is going on with the markets I get something thrown my way that just blows me out of the water. I was sitting at what might be my last campsite of this camping season and I decided to check the crypto markets.

I know, I know, I should really know better than that by now, but I guess I am just a glutton for punishment.

Punishment indeed as I noticed that the markets took a massive dump for some reason.

I've slowly started to gain some excitement about what the future months have for us. There has been a bit of an underlying "hope" that has been right no the edge of my perception. I'm not sure if others have felt this way as well, but it finally felt like we might be turning a corner.

Then this happens.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

As soon as I saw that BTC was hovering under the $26K mark, I decided I should run over and check where HIVE was sitting. It was down to something like $.27 last I checked, and of course I had most of my orders set at the $.30 mark. I am not sad about buying Hive at $.30, but getting it at $.27 would have been a lot cooler!

I still haven't seen any information on this recent dump, but I am sure it will all come to light in due time. Likely it is just another attempt by the corporations to get the price lower so they can buy in more before the halving next year.


On our recent trip to the Ionia State Recreation Area I came across a few mushrooms here and there as I was playing disc golf with @mrsbozz.

I decided I needed to take some photos of them and share them with you here on Hive. I'm not sure if you want to call this a #fungifriday post or if you want to throw it in with one of the macro communities, but I think I got some pretty good shots here and there.

Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments!


It's not surprising that there were so many mushrooms in this park. As I said in my previous posts, they dammed a river to make the lake, so there are a lot of wetland and damp areas around the recreation area.

I remember when I was a little kid, we used to get our garden seeds from a company called Jungs. Along with seeds, one of the things we use to get was a mushroom kit.

Basically, they sent you a cardboard box that you put in a dark cold space with dirt and you could grow mushrooms in it. We used to keep it in a small shoe closet in one of the cooler areas of our house.

Wait the given amount of time and boom fresh mushrooms for your pleasure.


I didn't even realize when I bent down to take this photo that there were so many ants crawling around this mushroom. I honestly don't even know what type of mushrooms these are, but I thought they looked pretty cool.

Feel free to enlighten me if you feel like hitting Google and identifying any of these for me.



I really don't have a ton to say for the rest of these photos. I just wanted to share them with you. There is one photo where I think I caught a daddy long legs hanging out in one of the folds of the mushroom, but I am not sure I have that here.

If you look really closely, you might see it.




I've gotta admit, I am a bit of an isolated mushroom fan. I have had various kinds of mushrooms in my past, but lately what I normally eat are the generic button ones you get in the grocery store.

Shitake, Portobello, those are all great, but we just don't find ourselves experimenting too much with mushrooms in our cuisine.

One day I would really like to head out into the woods and do some Morell hunting, but I haven't had the chance yet. Just stories from my mom about how amazing they are friend in butter on the stove. Apparently my grandfather used to prepare them that way.


Oh, there you go. It seems there was a little daddy long legs floating around in one of the mushrooms that I captured. I know this post probably seems a bit random, but I am kind of on beach time right now. I can hear the waves of Lake Huron crashing against the shore just a dozen feet from where I am sitting in my travel trailer.

I honestly can't think of any place I would rather be right now!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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