"Interview where I talk about my art"

NFT Artist's on Hive"Episode 6" @astrocreator



Episode 6 and Astro Creator is our featured artist. It's my hopes NFT Investors will read these interviews. I think to be able to put a real human face behind a tokenized item only increases the NFT Experience. I said too much already, cut to the interview.

What is your home Country and city?

Astro Creator: "Hello Nate, I live in Italy, in a beautiful region with green hills that overlook the sea. It is a very beautiful place."

What #Hive Community do you represent, or is there anyone you want to send a shout out to?

Astro Creator: "I just recently entered this world of “Hive” and I really like it. Having just joined, I can’t say that I represent any community in particular. I try to send messages with my art."


Collection: Legends of the giants

Your Collection,"Legends of the Giants" is incredible. I immediately felt like I was at the beginning of time, before man witnessing the very civilization that Prometheus came from. What is your story and inspiration behind the series?

Astro Creator: "Anyways, thanks for the compliments, I really appreciate it.
I really like this question, you really hit the concept on the spot perfectly. I am happy that the feeling I wanted to inspire came through. The “Legends of the Giants” collection aims to catapult the viewer into an ancient world, a primordial world, a world inhabited by giants composed of pure energy.
In this world they wander, their purpose in unknown to the viewer, but it must still inspire strong emotion. Their actions are not clear to us humans, it is all very mysterious, in my opinion, given the physical similarity with humans, man descends from giants. Man has a strong bond with these giants."

"Escape from reality from the collection: Legends of the giants is my personal favorite. It was rather haunting when I first seen this NFT and it still gives me a feeling that is hard to describe because I looked exactly like the model in that NFT, and have the pictures to prove it,Smiling face with open mouth I am being selfish about this question for personal reasons. What can you tell me
about this NFT I feel such a personal connection too?

Escape from Reality

Collection: Legends of the Giants

Nate Powers

from the 2000's? I am pictured in silver, one personal reason I feel attached to the NFT, "Escape from reality".




Astro Creator: "Escape from Reality" is also one of my favorite paintings. The title is strongly linked to the image and shows a giant flying away. The destination is unknown and is certainly coming out of its reality by the fact that it is coming out of the frame. (I recommend attaching an image to understand better). When we embark on a journey, within each of us an emotion, a sadness or a happiness is unleashed, but here the face of the Giant is devoid of expression, this makes everything mysterious, like the whole "Legends of the Giants" collection. This painting has different interpretations in my opinion. The beauty of art is just that, the meaning is in the eyes of the beholder.
I also want to tell you that I am working on other paintings closely related to this one, so the journey of the Giant continues."

The human body represented in your NFT art is so much more than just a physical, animated state, it appears that symbolically the models in your NFT's represent something deeper, am I close or do you have a different interpretation.

Astro Creator: "Surely the human body is at the center of almost all my art work. I find that thanks to the human body we can send many messages. Body language is a language that everyone can understand. It's as you say, these figures are always pushed towards something that goes beyond matter, especially in the “Legends of the Giants” series these bodies want to send us messages. It is up to us to know how to read them."

Lady Fire

Collection: The Elements

Another collection I also find incredibly exciting is the,"Elements series. Lady Fyre is powerfully sexy, with a mix of the Esoteric and a sense of life before man with angels, giants and demons. Tell us about this series and any influences that helped you come up with the concept of the collection?

Astro Creator: "This 9 part series is also part of a collection that will be released in the future. It was born from a simple idea, I wanted to depict the elements, in the process of creating the work it became more and more complex. The fact of being in front of a naked body contains a very important concept, the elements are pure and do not need useless accessories. A strong and self-confident person shows himself naked without armor, he is sure of what he is. It is certainly a work with a very strong erotic component, but it is not an end in itself.

What does an NFT mean to you?

Astro Creator: "NFTs are great news, they are able to certify and materialize a work in a very fluid world. It is a very interesting and inspiring.

"My goals in the NFT way are: to get my art around as much as possible, I would like this to reach many people. I would like more and more people to look with interest at NFT art. I want to unleash emotions in the viewer with my art. Obviously the more my art circulates, the more I would be stimulated to create. Surely the community can help in all of this. Support is key."

What do you want everyone reading this to know about you, and your NFT Art?

Astro Creator: "I want to send greetings to all readers and say that NFT art is a revolution. But above all, go see my paintings!,

"I love talking to people like you. it's great to know that there are people with your energy and the will to do, who believe in a project. But above all that they perceive the true message of art. I put ideas and feelings into my works, I am in a very creative period, NFT have stimulated me. I've always been making art, I love art, and I love how art makes us express. In the "real world" I am quite established as an artist, I want to be able to expand my art also with NFTs, it is a truly stimulating project. Another fundamental thing, I believe in the exchange of ideas and collaboration ... that's why I wrote to you ..."

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NFT Artist's on Hive"Episode 6" @astrocreator

This is a cross post of @natepowers/nft-artist-s-on-hive-episode-6-astrocreator by @astrocreator.

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