Getting to Know the Mystery of the Holy Spirit

I'm sure everybody knows God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son of God. How about the Holy Spirit? How would you describe Him?

If there's one word you could use to describe the third person of the Holy Trinity, what would it be? Since my spiritual renewal, I eventually realized the Holy Spirit is a guide. He makes us know things and prods us to be holier than we are.

But of course nobody ever told me that, no one talks about such stuff in my family, circle of friends or work colleagues. Don't even have any priest friend so there... Lol so of course I still have my doubts because it only came to me inspired by my finally active prayer life. Am not an expert so why not look for evidence online, right? Ah such a human trait huh?

I even asked an ex-seminarian about this sometime ago because I don't know much about theology, etc., and I learned He is also a messenger. Hmmm but of course me wanting to know more, I began to look for answers from reputable Catholic sources.

So here goes my little bit of research on this topic. Let's say these are some of the basics. 😅 I wasn't even that interested in this subject last year. Even if I learned in 2023 that the sins against the Holy Spirit are unforgivable, I never checked further than that. 😬 (Matthew 12:31-32)

The Holy Trinity: God the Father's hands, Jesus on the cross and a visual representation of the Holy Spirit as a dove. | (image source)

Who is the Holy Spirit?

It's been a month or so since I started writing this actually. During that time, what did I learn about the Holy Ghost?

Initially, since I asked that former seminarian (can't know when exactly from last year to early this year because of the Messenger encryption issue!!! Doesn't let me search the chat history like wth.) my mind kept wondering about what's the main term the Catholic Church uses.

Well the good thing was, when I attended mass during Pentecost Sunday this year, the priest talked about it. He said the Holy Spirit is:

  1. a Teacher
  2. an Advocate
  3. a Sanctifier

Indeed those are apt descriptions, and he proceeded to explain each one too. So that cleared up several things for me. I think I was quite satisfied with those terms already that I never bothered to look for any other source online. 😂 (Unfortunately Pope Francis reiterated again yesterday that all homilies must be up to 10 minutes or less. Oh my...)

Somehow I also read and heard the term Paraclete but it's such a deep word imho. Can't relate much to that title. 😅

And then yesterday I was invited to join a prayer group in the Adoration Chapel of the nearest church where I currently live. Well it turns out they have a "Perpetual" Adoration to the Most Holy Trinity.

Several Thursdays ago was the first time I heard them praying it. While I had my own set of prayers I of course couldn't help but notice what they were praying because they were reading it out loud.

Apparently a group of women pray this every Thursday in that church.

So anyway, in the pamphlet it's also mentioned that the Holy Spirit is a sanctifier. Wow huh. I dunno but hey for me that's the best word to use for Him indeed. Why not when we all need to work on our sanctification, so if He helps with that then that's amazing!

I know I'm far from even receiving the Holy Spirit because I still commit venial sins. Of course I also have several bad habits to remove or replace too! Becoming holy is very hard to do on our own if we don't (work for and) ask for God's grace. That's one of the "secrets" the devil don't want many people to know.

What Does the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) Say About the Holy Spirit?

Where else should we learn about our faith except the ultimate source? Oh boy, I'm too lazy to check on what the early church fathers wrote and all that jazz. Haha. Am not a historian so I'm happy to just read parts of the CCC when I can.

Also I still haven't reread the Bible from cover to cover since high school. Since the CCC also has Biblical sources then all the more easier to just get info from it. So here we go...

The Holy Spirit helped humanity to make Scripture and then helps interpret what was written. (CCC P1S1C2A3III)

"Sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written." - CCC

Next, the Holy Spirit sanctified the womb of the Virgin Mary and thus she conceived Jesus Christ. (CCC P1S2C2A3P2)

Okay I wanna add more but we're only talking about the role of the third person in the Trinity in this post. Since the topic of her and the Holy Spirit are intertwined, if you wanna know more about the Mother of God I have another post about that: Mama Mary's Perpetual Virginity Is Not For Hype

The Holy Spirit is God's own Spirit. (CCC P1S2C3A8)

According to Jesus, the Paraclete is also the Spirit of Truth. (CCC P1S2C3A8II)

Wanna know other titles of the Holy Spirit? Search for the ancient prayer called the Litany of the Holy Spirit and you'll find out!

Screenshot source

But Wait There's Nothing More!? 😂

I'd like to add more but it's starting to get boring I know. 😂 We always wanna hear about the fantastical side of things. Like how the Holy Spirit causes people to talk in various languages and such. That seems so fascinating to other Christians that those in charismatic movements even ask or demand that they be able to have such an ability.

I mean come on, humans cannot command God. Remember that we are nothing but His creation. Can you imagine one tiny ant demanding something from you, a human being, as if you owe anything to it? Keeps asking for anything it wants even if most aren't even good for itself as if it knows everything. You'd think the ant is crazy and ego-inflated if that happens.

Why then do people still suppose we should demand that God do our bidding as if He was a genie from a bottle? How can people even think of treating the Lord like their slave who will give everything we ask for? Hahaha, guess who taught us that kind of thinking. Newsflash, this is what New Agers, occultists and folk beliefs have been duping us into believing.


No man is equal to God or the Holy Trinity, just like demons are not equal to God and His angels at all! Humanity is even a notch lower than angels and some people think so highly of themselves? Oh boy, it's a good thing the Lord is so loving and merciful to His creation. He has too much love and mercy that humans have become spoiled rotten to the core.

The Holy Spirit will not come to those who wanna have Him so bad in order to be powerful and above other people. That's not how it works folks. That's pride doing the talking. Being prideful and disobedient to Him are the main reasons why 1/3 of God's angels became demons. Just ask Catholic exorcist priests who deal with them often.

Anyway, first we must be in a state of grace before we can even think or dream about receiving the Paraclete like the apostles of Christ. Being in a state of grace is just the beginning!

Interesting right? Well, I'd like to write more but maybe you have thoughts you'd like to share too. Feel free to comment or do your own research on this. 😉


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